Internet constantly disconnecting.


Internet constantly disconnecting all day everyday. Completely drops then comes back online, makes streaming Netflix very frustrating, drops online gaming, it’s basically unusable. Supposedly it’s the node for my area that’s the issue, it’s going on 4 weeks now and shaw hasn’t fixed it... I’m soon going to drop shaw and go back to Telus this is getting rediculous., Internet constantly disconnecting all day everyday. Completely drops then comes back online, makes streaming Netflix very frustrating, drops online gaming, it’s basically unusable. Supposedly it’s the node for my area that’s the issue, it’s going on 4 weeks now and shaw hasn’t fixed it... I’m soon going to drop shaw and go back to Telus this is getting rediculous.

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86 Replies

Re: Internet constantly disconnecting.


Hey j_latimer 

We're sorry to hear you're having Internet troubles - I know that can be very frustrating. If you've already been through the steps on Troubleshooting Internet connectivity issues  we'd recommend getting in touch with tech support so they can take a closer look. If it ends up being an area issue, they may be able to check for an ETA for you. 


Re: Internet constantly disconnecting.


i have same issue since i switched int 150 to 300, specially when i play online game.

which modem are you using? is it xb6? if so do test run here: any red shows up it is modem problem. i have no knowledge about internet and modem but that is what forum people says.

and they are saying no issue on int 150 with old modem(hittron).

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Re: Internet constantly disconnecting.

Not applicable

I've been having many disconnects since the free 150 to 300 upgrade from Shaw. I exchanged the old Hitron I was using for another on Saturday (at the request of Tech support), I still get disconnections. Very odd, it's like Shaw just stops sending data to my Hitron modem / router. I have to unplug it for a few minutes and plug it back in and then it's good to go until it does it again at random time intervals. The longest period of time I went without a problem is roughly 29 hours and the worst was less than one hour. I've been in tech support chat and voice calls just to do the same thing with each person (cycling the Hitron) but nothing they've done at their end has helped. My Hitron is set in "Bridge" mode and after much testing, I know my equipment works the way it should, this is a problem at Shaw's end, if they are in the process of doing upgrades citywide so the 300 and 600 mbps can be reliable then maybe they should just say so, this way we'd know things will get better? I'm missing the reliability of my Shaw 150, the extra speed is nice but not at the cost of reliability when I'm loosing internet sometimes 4 times a day. Hopefully they get this fixed soon.

Regards: Jack


Re: Internet constantly disconnecting.

Not applicable

I have been having this exact issue. It seemed to start after being upgraded to shaw 300 for free. We are experiencing multiple disconnects from both wifi and cable networked PCs and devices. If I am told to unplug and reset my modem one more time, and that everything seems fine at their end over customer service I am going to lose my mind. I am experiencing up to 5-10 disconnects an hour. This is occurring during netflix, online games, streaming youtube etc. On netflix and youtube it's not that bad if the video has time to buffer as the internet reconnects rather quickly. But while playing games, every disconnect requires a full exit and restart of the client, reconnect and loading back in. It feels like during usage that a bandwidth limit has been reached and everyone gets booted off - if that makes sense? During these disconnects my router continues to blink blue and green as if nothing is wrong, and the network status on my task bar shows that everything is fine. I would liken this to someone going into your home and flipping the power breaker off and on real quick, yeah the lights come back on, but you have to walk around resetting all your clocks every time and its freakin annoying....


Re: Internet constantly disconnecting.

Not applicable

Hi admcisaac. Since getting Shaw to change my "Hitron" modem/router to "Gateway" mode and changing my personal router to "AP" (Access Point) everything has been running flawlessly. I was having the constant loss of connection when my Hitron was in "Bridge" mode and was using my personal router as a router. I've not had any problems since going to Gateway mode...... must be something with the Hitron Bridge mode since going to Shaw 300, it worked fine when I was at 150. Hope you resolve your issues soon.

Take care


Regards: Jack


It's September 2019 and it doesn't seem like Shaw has got...


It's September 2019 and it doesn't seem like Shaw has got it fixed across the community. I have been having the exact same issue of wifi intermittently dropping off and has a technician visit my place, but the issue seems to persist. I have tried contacting the support over phone and chat and they always wash their hands saying there's nothing wrong on their end. I would switch to another provider but I can't find one who is willing to offer anything above 50mbps, which is a pity. 

I am going to switch to Hitron and see if that resolves the issue here. 


I'm new to Calgary signed up with shaw for the 300 packag...


I'm new to Calgary signed up with shaw for the 300 package big mistake. When it works the speed is great but disconnects constantly can't rely on it.

Is there any solution? I've had 4 service tech visits so far next I'll try my own router.


apologies for the frustrations. Is the issue over WiFi on...


@Kevinb apologies for the frustrations. Is the issue over WiFi only or are direct ethernet connections affected as well? When you notice the modem disconnect, does it start the reboot sequence (lights changing on top of the modem)?

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Plugging in my own router has improved the situation but...


Plugging in my own router has improved the situation but I still get service interruptions.

It went from multiple times an hour for maybe 5 minutes at a time to once or twice over an hour for just a few seconds.

Seems like the light on modem stays white.


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