@gib47 -- welcome to this peer-to-peer discussion forum, where volunteers try to help.
This forum is not a direct path to Shaw Support ( 1-888-472-2222 or www.shaw.ca/chat )
Greenview is a residential neighbourhood in the northeast quadrant of Calgary, Alberta.
Via: https://support.shaw.ca/t5/service-updates-outages/tkb-p/service-updates/label-name/southern%20alber...
I see: https://support.shaw.ca/t5/service-updates-outages/may-6-calgary-mount-pleasant-north-calgary-all-se...
citing "north Calgary". Is this the issue this is affecting you?
EDIT: the above message states: Crews have determined this outage is due to a fiber cut caused by vandalism and attempted theft of copper wire.
So, can one blame "Rogers together with Shaw" for this outage? 😞