Port forwarding ports being blocked/denied??


I've had BlueCurve for awhile now and I've gotten used to using the mobile app for port forwarding, today i was setting up and L2TP / IPsec Vpn on my windows server machine and expecting everything to work i port forwarded my ports 1701 500 and 4500 waited for the success port forward added to "device name" only to be surprised at the fact that none of them actually are open I ran a port scan on my network to be sure and what do you know a bunch of other ports that i use for web servers / email and everything else is open but these 3 ports are not. so i did the obvious deleted the device and redid all my ports and still nothing. i contacted shaw websupport through the live chat where they gave me an additional ip free of charge which doesn't help my situation in any shape or form.

are these ports being blocked by shaw / my modem? and if so can someone please help me. 

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4 Replies

same issue here .


same issue here .

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-- A few questions. 1. Is the "target" computer within yo...

Legendary Grand Master

@bronze -- A few questions.

1. Is the "target" computer within your home network running some software to "listen" on those specific incoming ports?

2. check your "firewall" (Linux or Windows) to confirm that the firewall is not blocking those incoming ports.

3. check the "private" IP-address of your target computer, to be sure that it matches the "rules" defined for those ports that you have configured to "forward" to your private IP-address?

4. from a computer "outside" of your local network, try connecting to one of those ports, while watching the lamps on your cable-modem, and on the network-card on your computer, to see if they "blink" as those forwarded packets reach your computer.



Hey, 1. Yes 2. Confirmed, firewall is not blocking the po...



1. Yes

2. Confirmed, firewall is not blocking the ports.

3. Private IP is matching.

4. I found out yesterday that I can connect to my target computer through the forwarded ports from outside of my local network (like through LTE data) but not from inside. I found another post in here saying that the BlueCurve modem doesn't support NAT loopback/routing making this not possible. My workaround, for now, is to modify my `/etc/hosts` (I'm on a linux desktop) and point my subdomains to the private IP of the target computer. I wish I didn't have to do this though as it worked fine with the old Hitron modem, hopefully, this feature can be added to the BlueCurve modems.


Yup.  Ever since the Hitron modems were phased out, none...



Ever since the Hitron modems were phased out, none of my port forwarding setups worked in my experience. I've expressed my dissatisfaction with Shaw many times with their tech support of these new bluecurve or ignite models, as they know very little about the subject of port forwarding always falling on the statement "this is considered advanced networking and we don't support advance networking setups". I think Shaw is setting themselves up for failure as alot of customers that require opening ports are moving to Telus. What is even more disappointing is that customers don't even have the ability to request an old Hitron model anymore. 

The funny thing about this situation is that even when you place the Shaw modem in bridge mode, and configure the port forwarding on a 3rd party router, still no go and port forwarding doesn't work... this setup worked with the Hitrons, but for whatever reason, these XB* series modems are blocking all ports. Shaw really needs an option of just a plain modem install. Nobody in their right mind can maximize the wifi speeds they are paying for unless they have a 3rd party router as part of their setup. Shaw, please do better, if internet services wasn't a monopoly in Canada, you would be out of business running things the way you are. 

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