Random total throughput dropouts


Experiencing random complete loss of throughput. Nothing gets through, but any active packets stay active, and the XB6 itself doesn't lose connectivity. It feels like an issue with the node or the split at the drop, at least.. that's where I've seen this kind of behavior before.

Figured maybe it was because the XB6 tx was out of spec, so I removed a split and reran all the coax inside the house. Signal is now good, issue disappeared for a few hours, then reappeared, as issues tend to do.  

Attaching a visual traceroute (not pingplotter, ping tracer, but the same concept) to demonstrate the issue. It's outside of my network, between the XB6 and Shaw. 

Issues started 2 days ago, but it wouldn't surprise me if it affected more customers. As you can imagine, any latency sensitive application is completely useless in this scenario. Which renders the service unreliable and useless.

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2 Replies

Re: Random total throughput dropouts


Hey tosslehoff,

There may be several reasons to why that is happening, we definitely want to investigate your signal and area further to ensure everything is up to spec. Please slide into our DMs on Facebook and Twitter.


Tony | Community Mod.

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Re: Random total throughput dropouts


tosslehoff‌ Did you ever get your problem resolved?  If so, I'd love to know what the solution was.  If not, I'd love to compare notes as I'm fighting with the same type of symptoms.

for reference  
