Same Number of Correctable and Uncorrectable Codewords for the XB7


Hi Everyone,

I recently got the Arris XB7 and I've been noticing that in the end of the CM Error Codewords table that the Correctable and Uncorrectable Codewords are the same number.  The other numbers in the rest of the table are 0 but for some reason the last column have both the same high numbers for the Correctable and Uncorrectable Codewords.

I have no internet problems and I recently replaced all the splitters since previously there was interference issues with my cable boxes.  Is this normal to have the same number for both Correctable and Uncorrectable Codewords?


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Those aren’t errors, it is a stop code, it is the same fo...

Grand Master


Those aren’t errors, it is a stop code, it is the same for all XB6/7 modems. 

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