Shaw Fibre to the Home Expansion (Vancouver Metro Region)


Hi All, 

I'm doubtful any Shaw Employee would share any details, but I was wondering if Shaw is even trying to expand their Fibre to the Home footprint. I know in some major regions some apartment towers have FTTH/FTTP. Is Shaw doing anything like telus in terms of expanding Fibre to the Home.....Can Shaw Lease/take over an existing Fibre line if I have a drop to my house? 

My 2 Year Value Plan is expiring and my decision around an ISP is going to be based on Fibre available directly to the house. Not that I think DOCSIS is horrible, offers great reliable internet across the board. With the types of online services available, I want to try and minimize my PING and also have asymmetrical internet. For example, 1 Gbps up and down.

While Docsis can actually support faster upload speeds...Shaw is lagging in this department and I may just have to face the facts that I am not their ideal customer anymore. 

Anyways Fibre Ninja team please respond 😉

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The "last mile" connection

Legendary Grand Master

@chris_feller -- Fibre Ninja team please respond

That definitely is not me, but I have two thoughts:

1. if you do get fiber into your house, I think that your Shaw connection still will have a DOCSIS modulator/demodulator, to deliver TCP/IP to your devices that have an Ethernet adapter.

2. If the "last mile" of the Shaw wiring is coaxial-cable, that cable is easily capable of allowing 1.5 Gigabit/second downloads to your cable-modem. So, I see no advantage in replacing that "last mile" by fiber-optic cable.

So, the only advantage of fiber into your house is that TELUS can currently provide faster uploads from your computers than Shaw is currently providing. My Shaw-futures "crystal-ball" is opaque.  🙂

I hope this helps.


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