Shaw internet outage in West Kelowna


When is Shaw going to acknowledge the internet outage in West Kelowna and offer some sort of update on when service might be restored?

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6 Replies

Is Summerland effected by this outage as well? I just spe...


Is Summerland effected by this outage as well?

I just spent two hours trying to get back my Outlook email.  Didn't work.

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-- see: for up-to-date reports on t...

Legendary Grand Master

@mjamieson -- see: for up-to-date reports on the state of the forest fires that are approaching the Westbank/WestKelowna region.  Given the current "state of emergency" proclaimed by the Government of BC, Shaw/Rogers employees (and the general public) are forbidden to enter the evacuated areas. Only fire-fighters and support staff are permitted.   So, without access, they cannot fix any of their infrastructure.

So, short answer: probably it will be a month after the fires have been controlled or extinguished, which is not going to happen until the remnants of Hurricane Hilary (now causing flooding in the Los Angeles area) dump a significant amount of water onto the fires. 

Of course, such deluges of rain-water will run-off the burnt-out areas, causing land-slides, which will impact the roads that the Shaw/Rogers service trucks might be using, instead of having a healthy "green" forest/ground-cover absorb the water.



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-- have you checked Shaw's "Outages" page for the BC Inte...

Legendary Grand Master

@Netram37 -- have you checked Shaw's "Outages" page for the BC Interior for details about Summerland?

If your Internet is otherwise working, then Shaw's mail-servers should be accessible.  So, you might have a problem ONLY with your Outlook app -- not related to Summerland at all.

Can you preview your E-mail via Shaw WebMail ?

>> spent two hours

Have you contacted Shaw Support [1-888-472-2222] to get them to try to trouble-shoot, or to give you information about their network infrastructure in Summerland?


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I have no tv or internet but yet they are saying there is...


I have no tv or internet but yet they are saying there is no outage. 

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-- have you checked:

Legendary Grand Master

@Whizzie -- have you checked:

Affected Area: South and East Kelowna

Affected Services: Internet, Business Internet, Phone, Business Phone, Digital TV, VOD, Gateway, BlueCurve TV, WiFi Access Points

Date: May 24, 2024

Start: 00:00 PT / End: 06:00 PT

Summary: Some customers may experience an interruption of the affected Shaw services between midnight and 6:00 am PT. This interruption is expected to last approximately six (6) hours. Services will be restored automatically when the maintenance is complete.

To determine if an outage is affecting your services, check your account on the My Shaw website or the My Shaw App and look for an alert banner.


Can you use your smart-phone to access the My Shaw Portal, to look for an alert?

Have you tried disconnecting the electrical power from your cable-modem and your TV box, and then reconnecting the power cords, so that each device will restart.  Any codes on the box's display screen, or messages on your TV screen?


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-- Shaw posted about an outage in Rutland (north-east sub...

Legendary Grand Master

@Whizzie -- Shaw posted about an outage in Rutland (north-east suburb of Kelowna😞

but nothing about your area. 

Got any neighbors using Shaw who also have an outage?




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