Why do I have to shut down my VPN to access my bill?


Has anyone has this problem? I can log into my account through my VPN but then I can't access my bill. I have to shut off my VPN before I can see it. I'm struggling to understand why this is the case. From a security POV it certainly isn't a desirable feature.

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4 Replies

It could be that Shaw only allows connections from their...

Grand Master


It could be that Shaw only allows connections from their IP addresses, does seem odd.

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-- From a security POV it certainly isn't a desirable fea...

Legendary Grand Master

@TheOtherDrBob -- From a security POV it certainly isn't a desirable feature.

On the other hand, iIt could be an intentional security feature, to protect each Shaw customer from any "hijacking".

With the VPN active, can you try, at the command-line prompt:  tracert my.shaw.ca

to see "where" your attempted connection "dies" ?

What error-message do you get when you try to connect?

I just tried to connect to the My Shaw Portal from a computer on the Telus network. It worked fine. Hmm.


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@TheOtherDrBob - I have the exact same question. In my ca...


@TheOtherDrBob - I have the exact same question. In my case, I can't even get anywhere close to my account. Could someone explain why Rogers has decided that secure networks which utilize VPN connections cannot be used to access the MYShaw account login page and the Shaw support pages? Here is a listing of error messages I received when trying to login to Shaw with my VPN activated:

Access Denied

You don't have permission to access "http://www.shaw.ca/contact-us/" on this server.

Access Denied

You don't have permission to access "http://business.shaw.ca/" on this server.

The only explanation that I can understand is that they restrict access to IP addresses that they have issued to their known profiles. This is a massive PITA to deal with. If this is disclosed somewhere in the fine print - please advise. Alternatively, if Rogers is deliberately blocking VPN service providers, please provide a listing of 'blacklisted' VPNs. Thanks.

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wrote: if Rogers is deliberately blocking VPN service pr...

Legendary Grand Master

@WantSupprtEmail  wrote:  if Rogers is deliberately blocking VPN service providers, please provide a listing of "blacklisted" VPNs.

> Could someone explain why Rogers has decided ...

Welcome to this peer-to-peer discussion group, where volunteers try to help.
This forum is not a direct path to Rogers/Shaw Support [ 1-888-472-2222 or www.shaw.ca/chat ]
to oblige your request for such a document. Volunteers do not have such a document, nor any way to obtain a copy.
Also, those volunteers do not know "why Rogers has decided". Such decisions come from within Rogers, at higher levels (Intrastructure & Network Security Management teams).
It's possible that on a "security via obscurity" basis, if such document exists, it would be by restricted access, making it available only to current employees.  I guess that you can apply to work for Rogers.  🙂
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