Wi-fi Switches to Pod AP


Hi:  I have an annoying issue.  My Dell desktop PC's wi-fi will switch regularly from the nearby (10m) Shaw/Rogers/Ignite XB-7 to a far away (30m) Shaw/Rogers/Ignite pod (Gen. 2 - XE2-SG) and stay there. 

It always connects to the pod when waking from sleep. And stays there until manually switched.

Internet speeds drop a lot for both up and down when connected to the pod.

Both the XB-7 and pod use channel 157 and this cannot be changed.  At the Dell PC, RSSI for the XB-7 averages -45 to -55; pod is -65 to -75. 

I've set up the Dell's card (Intel AX-1675x) to prefer 5 gHz, 802.11ax,  MIMO power save mode off and with highest roaming aggressiveness. 

I've done long-term monitoring of the XB-7's 5 gHz signal and no dropouts that occur. 

Any help gratefully accepted.

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