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Who Me Too'd this topic

Wait times and No support


Does anyone know how to make a formal complaint to someone at Shaw who can do anything besides say I am sorry I am sorry and yet have no ability to fix it.

I feel for the customer support people who get all the flack for a obviously understaffed and under supported  company. I waited 2 hours this morning for a technician to show up at my house and then waited a total of 5.5 hours on hold today and 1.5 hours of phone time with 3 different staff who were able to really do nothing for me. 

I think it is unacceptable of Shaw to provide this kind of customer support to the people who paid to build this company. I have been a customer for over 30 years and they have gone through times of bad customer support, but never to this level. It just shows to me that the people running Shaw do not care about the customers and have lost sight of running a ethical company.

I am spitting mad.

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