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Who Me Too'd this topic

Internet Connection Drops


I've noticed that there's been a lot of random internet drops on my computer (It's connected to the internet via ethernet). 

Below is a log from one of the servers I host on my computer. It seems to be dropping really small packets of information. Several people have noted that they've lost connection to my computer (it disconnected them) then shortly after regained connection.

[09:27:26]: CURL ERROR: Operation too slow. Less than 5 bytes/sec transferred the last 5 seconds


Logging onto my router I found the following logs. Seems like it's a fairly common problem when I've searched Google, but have not come across an answer.

ti_dhcp6c[8471]: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 82	2020/3/13 18:50:07	Critical
ti_dhcp6c[8471]: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 82	2020/3/13 03:51:41	Critical
ti_dhcp6c[8471]: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 24	2020/3/13 03:51:41	Critical
ti_dhcp6c[8471]: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 82	2020/3/12 18:50:07	Critical
ti_dhcp6c[8471]: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 82	2020/3/12 03:51:41	Critical
ti_dhcp6c[8471]: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 24	2020/3/12 03:51:41	Critical


My router's specs (the DRAM used seems high.... also so does the processor speed)

Processor Speed:4000.10 MHz
DRAM Total Memory:667 MB
DRAM Used Memory:573 MB
DRAM Available Memory:93 MB
Flash Total Memory:469 MB
Flash Used Memory:436 MB
Flash Available Memory:33 MB


Other information

HW Version:11
Vendor:ARRIS Group, Inc.
BOOT Version:
Core Version:daisy
Product Type:XB6
Flash Part:469 MB
Download Version:


If there's any other information needed please let me know. 

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