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Shaw Webmail (Zimbra) is breaking email formatting


I noticed that a large number of emails lately have been broken by Shaw's Webmail system Zimbra.  It's been doing this for one to two months and affects all new and already received emails in both the desktop and mobile views in webmail.  Take for example this LinkedIn job alert email:

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Partway into the email the formatting is already screwed up.  It is not the email itself which is broken because when I forward this email somewhere else (like a  gmail account) it shows up fine like so:

Annotation 2020-04-17 001722.png


It appears that in reformatting html emails (which is just about any email from anything from online stores to job sites, etc etc) for viewing within the webmail system Zimbra has huge problems with emails which have nested tables for formatting. 

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Good examples (easy to setup an account and duplicate) of emails which get messed up by this are LinkedIn job alerts, Pinterest "N of your pins have been saved", Twitter alerts from deemed interesting posts from people you follow.

Hopefully a Shaw support rep will notice this and forward this on to someone or comment if it is already being looked into.

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