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Slow wifi speeds on desktop wifi but not mobile


I am currently seeing a bit of an odd issue and wondering if there is a setting I am missing somewhere.

A few months back I upgraded to Fibre+ 300 and noticing that the speed tests for my desktop (running Windows 10) is much lower than my speed tests on my mobile devices (iPhone 8, iPad Pro). They all use wifi (the desktop is no where near a cable line) and are on the same 5 GHz network.

Desktop (ipv6 disabled, only using ipv4)

speedtest.net: ~130 Mbps (13 ping)

speedtest.shaw.ca: ~118 Mbps (11 ping)


speedtest.net (app): ~311 Mbps (19ms ping)

Router (Orbi)

speedtest: ~327 Mbps

So it seems to me there might be perhaps some setting in my wifi adapter on the desktop or something else?

Previously I was able to attain > 200 Mbps on my desktop but that was mainly due to my old Netgear 6400 router and using the QoS settings (which Orbi does not allow for manually setting). However, it was all or nothing...anything on wifi would either be fast or slow together, not different between desktop and mobile on the same network and connected to the same 5 GHz band.

Any thoughts, tips, etc.?

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