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Shaw is Suddenly Blocking Emails - Emails Not Being Received


A family member called me to say shaw.ca is blocking emails from them.  This just started happening today.  Prior to today, I had no problems receiving emails from this sender.

Error msg below.  Can someone at Shaw fix this pls?

  • This is an automatically generated message. French will follow.
    The message was not delivered to one or more addresses. The error details are attached.
    Ceci est un message généré automatiquement.
    Le courriel n'a pas été envoyé à un ou plusieurs destinataires. Les détails du problème sont en pièce jointe.

    Reason: 5.7.1 Mail from IP was rejected due to listing in Spamhaus XBL.
    For details please see http://www.spamhaus.org/query/bl?ip=


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