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BlueCurve modem: constant noisy fan and gives off heat


My Bluecurve modem is so noisy and it gives off heat which in a small room is totally unacceptable! I have had it for a couple of months and will not continue. My Telus modem was silent. I switched to Shaw for faster speed which in my rural area Telus does not provide. I've asked for and am getting a Bluecurve replacement, which I will try but I feel badly for Shaw spending time and money to mail me a replacement when obviously it's the make/model that is the problem. Once I try the replacement, and of course it will be noisy and hot, then I probably buy my own modem. I don't want to go down that road, but I'm not yet on contract with Shaw as I wanted to wait and ensure the speed/service is good - and so far it's great! - but the modem has to go. Plus if not on contract, I'm paying $10/mo. to 'rent' the modem. I'll post an update on resolving the issue.

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