I've been able to port forward with ease on my blue curve router before, but after the blue curve home update it seems to not be working anymore. I've triple checked that I have entered all my settings correctly, but it is not connecting outside. I used an online port checker and it said the port was closed even though something on said port was trying to run.
I decided to plug an old router in, and the old router had been working fine previously with the blue curve router in the past, even when it wasn't in bridge mode. I thought maybe I'd just connect the router and port forward on there, but there's no internet running from the blue curve router to my other one (TP link). I am extremely frustrated. After having to switch to blue curve home from the normal router page i'm used to and to have it not work, I am at my wits end. A suggestion for shaw: please allow us to change our router settings from the router page, and not have us redirect to shaw blue curve home. I may have missed something, but it forces you to go there and I do not like it one bit, i prefer doing it from the router settings directly.
Any help on the matter would be much appreciated!