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Blocked Messages


My son's sports organization uses TeamSnap to communicate with parents and athletes on important messages. The platform allows chatting amongst players, coaches and parents, it also has a mass mailing solution integrated to allow organizers to send out important information to everyone. 

You get the messages in the app, in the web portal and until about two weeks ago we were also getting them in our Shaw inboxes. The last e-mail message from TeamSnap was delivered to my inbox on 2023-05-28. Since then there have been 5 additional emails that were sent out that have not been received.

All messages from the organizers come from donotreply@email.teamsnap.com.

We have parents with @gmail.com, @Hotmail.com, @telus.com, @outlook.com and even @RogerS.com e-mail addresses and they are all getting the messages in their inboxes. Only our parents with @shaw.ca email seem to have problems receiving these messages. 

After a futile attempt dealing with Shaw Chat Support and even phone support I figured I would post here hoping that someone with actual knowledge of how email systems work and how Shaw's spam filter is configured sees this post and escalates to someone that can look into the issue.

This is very frustrating as it was working up until the 28th of May.

-- Paul 

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