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Very unhappy with the switch to Ignite TV


A few weeks ago, I got a call from Rogers saying my Shaw Gateway/Portal won't work anymore with their new system, so I had to switch to Ignite TV. That was already unwelcome news, but since there was no alternative, I told them to send me the replacement boxes.

I tried to keep an open mind. I had no idea it would be so bad. 

Installation was easy, but after using Ignite TV for a few weeks, I'm getting ready to terminate my TV service.

  1. Unless you explicitly record a program, it only keeps 20 minutes of live TV. The Gateway/Portal kept up to 2 hours.
  2. I can no longer flip through channels. If I switch channels, any live TV content is lost. In contrast, with my Gateway/Portal, which had 6 tuners, I could flip through up to 5 channels without losing the ability to rewind any of them. For example, I could be watching news and, during commericials, switch to another news channel, rewind it a bit, and see what I missed. Then go back to the first one.
  3. The screen saverkicks in after a few seconds on pause, and keeps showing me ads for programming. I'm not paying $2500+ per year to Rogers to get more advertisement pushed in my face. 
  4. Skipping commercials in recorded content is a pain. My Shaw Gateway/Portal allowed good control over skip and rewind. The Rogers box only has 2 options: 5 minutes and 30 seconds.
  5. Recordings are only retained for a year

Anyway, they sent me an email saying my old Gateway/Portal will completely stop working by July 29. When that date arrives, I'll probably make the switch to Telus for Internet and get my TV content exclusively through streaming. Rogers managed to finally remove all advantages that paying for cable had left over the streaming services.

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