A Couple of New Features Added With Recent Gateway Update


So apparently SHAW did a recent Gateway update which did 2 things:

- while watching a SD channel a message will pop up saying " Press OK to Watch HD " which is discussed here:



- the other new feature added concerns both the channel guide plus the " Channel List " section. Any channel that is on a free preview will now have yellow lettering indicating that it is now available via free preview. I like this feature but it would be better if the free preview channel was just automatically added to your individual tv lineup because Gateway users need to manually add channels if they want to see the listings for that channel. So if a Gateway user does not regularly go through the " Channel List " section ( and does not frequent these Forums ) then they might not be aware that a certain channel is now on a free preview......unless they actually have every channel already activated.


As far as I know these are the only 2 new features added with this update. If you come across any other please post them here.

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5 Replies

Was the "hide unsubscribed channels" in options - channel...


Was the "hide unsubscribed channels" in options - channel list (options for unsubscribed channels box) there before this update?

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sorry - settings - channel list - not options


sorry - settings - channel list - not options

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Good catch Andy - that's a new option at least for the Ga...


@AndyK wrote:

Was the "hide unsubscribed channels" in options - channel list (options for unsubscribed channels box) there before this update?

 Good catch Andy - that's a new option at least for the Gateway. This would definitely help anybody setting up a new Gateway system or anybody changing their TV package. I know that when I changed my TV package ( from Medium TV to Total TV ) about 6 months ago I had to go through the channel list and add or delete each channel that I was now getting or losing. It's funny - I called SHAW Gateway tech support yesterday about something completely different and then afterwards I asked about this new update and he had no idea that there even was a new update to the Gateway. I asked him if there were anything else new besides the 2 new options that I posted about. He said he would ask a supervisor and call me back within the hour. About 2.5 hours later he called and said that there was DEFINITELY nothing else added. 😁

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And I missed the 2 features that you found because my cha...


@bostonbob And I missed the 2 features that you found because my channels are trimmed down to just about nothing but HD sports and news. I actually had to add an SD channel to see the HD pop up.

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Yeah - I'm like you in that if there is an HD version of...


@AndyK wrote:

@bostonbob And I missed the 2 features that you found because my channels are trimmed down to just about nothing but HD sports and news. I actually had to add an SD channel to see the HD pop up.

Yeah - I'm like you in that if there is an HD version of a channel then I don't have the SD version activated. We've only got a few SD channels currently activated ( MeTV, Teletoon, E!, NFL Network, Stingray Retro and Much Music just because Total TV doesn't include the HD version of MM 😡 ). Some of the SD channels actually look OK on my TV ( Panasonic Plasma ) but I'll always watch something in HD if it's available. 

By the way - I love how SHAW labelled this new feature " Options for Unsubscribed Channels " when the only option is to hide any unsubscribed channels. I guess technically there are multiple options offered - use it or don't use it. 😀

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