This past September, Shaw replaced our 1st generation Gateway TV box as it was unable to accept code updates. We chose to replace it with a 2nd generation Arris as we could continue to use our Shaw Extender (reformatted of course) for recordings.
In the last month or so we have experienced the box freezing between 9 and 9:30 p.m. on more than two occasions, but less than a half dozen if I recall correctly.
Twice I have had chat sessions with Shaw for them to ping the box. The other occasions, as recently as last night, I powered down the cable box and internet modem to reboot and restart the service.
I can't believe that this brand new box has a fault, but I am curious as to the code that Shaw is sending or whether their bandwidth isn't sufficient to handle a mass push of updates to all cable boxes.
Has any one else had similar experiences?
Shaw only has refurb Gateways now, so you wouldn’t have received a brand new box. It is likely that the replacement is faulty.
All my ARRIS cable boxes are having the same issue. Did Shaw push a faulty update to force us to upgrade?
@repena -- welcome to this peer-to-peer discussion forum, where volunteers try to help. It is not a direct path to Shaw Support.
While your conjecture is a possibility, it could be the "feed" of Shaw's coaxial-cables from the nearest telephone-pole into your home.
Do all of your boxes "freeze" at the same time, on the same channel?
Do you live in a MURB (Multiple Unit Residential Building) or in your own home? If the former, do other Shaw customers in your MURB have the same issue?
Have you contacted Shaw (1-888-472-2222 or ) to get free technical support? The Shaw Agent can remotely logon to your device(s), to check various values, including "signal strength" reaching each box.