My shaw PVR used to automatically background record the channel I was watching and also the previous channel. So then when I reverted to the previous channel I could rewind to see what was recorded. But now I have upgraded to the blue curve and it does record the channel I'm watching but no longer records the previous channel I was watching. Is this automatic background recording of two channels feature not available on the blue curve?
@Dpark33 -- One method is to touch the "record" button on the channel, before you switch away from that channel. Then, when you switch back to that channel, you'll be watching the live recording, and you can "rewind" that recording, to see what you have missed, while watching the second channel. Of course, later you will need to access your list of recorded programs, and just "delete" it.
Thanks. Yes I realize that would be a solution. . But as you say I would need to later delete it. It does not seem very convenient. I guess this is a feature that they discontinued for blue curve. It's a shame that with 'upgrade' I've lost that convenient feature.
I agree. I just switched to Blue Curve and find this extremely annoying. I also miss the skip 3 minute button as this was average length of commercials. 5 minutes is a pain.
You could change the skip to 30 seconds.
To adjust the skip length to 30 seconds: Press EXIT - EXIT - EXIT - 0 - 0 - 3 - 0 on the BlueCurve TV remote. Adjusted skip length will be 30 seconds forward and 15 seconds back on Live TV, PVR recordings and On Demand content.
We agree also. Very frustrating! This was a favourite feature. Please bring it back! Whats an upgrade when you lose a great feature??
You can skip ahead or back whatever length of time you want using BlueCurve's voice control. Try saying "forward three minutes". You can fine tune commercial skips with voice control such as saying "forward two minutes, fifty seconds" for example. Much more powerful than using the remote buttons.
So, just to confirm, this feature is lost? If so, a note to the Shaw tech team, can you bring this back?