Blue curve pvr and pausing


Hi there,

i am wondering if anyone else is having this problem. When I pause a show on my pvr within 10-15 minutes the recording will go back to regular tv viewing despite having screen saver after a half hour? Is this a bug or is there something that can be done to fix this as it is really annoying having to go back to my recording. I just got blue curve this past Monday so I am trying to get used to the system. Thanks Gordon 

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26 Replies

There are limitations to the amount of time to pause and...

Grand Master

There are limitations to the amount of time to pause and rewind live TV. I believe the XG1 will pause longer than the XID or the Xi6, but there are no options to change tithe length of time.

0 Kudos

I know but I am talking about recordings. When I watch re...


I know but I am talking about recordings. When I watch recordings and say I step away for 10 minutes it will go back to regular tv kicking me out of my recording and I have to go back to it again. It is common for me to step away 15 or 20 minutes sometime and I want an easy way to get back to my recording. 


I believe that applies to live tv, recordings and on demand.

Grand Master

I believe that applies to live tv, recordings and on demand.

0 Kudos

Oh okay, I guess the work around is if I suspect I’ll tak...


Oh okay, I guess the work around is if I suspect I’ll take more time just to go back to regular tv or if I am for example on the phone to just touch the remote to prevent it from turning off. I do hope they fix this in future by making more time. Nevertheless thank you for your response.


-- just touch the remote to prevent it from turning off W...

Legendary Grand Master

@gordon1111 -- just touch the remote to prevent it from turning off

Will that be enough interaction? Maybe, you have to touch the play/pause button, and then, 1 second later, press the same button, to reset the "counter" to start another interval.

If it does go back to live TV, does pressing the "previous channel" button resume the recorded content?


0 Kudos

I meant pushing play and Start or even a button. And the...


I meant pushing play and Start or even a button. And the last button does work, will try that going forward. Thanks.

0 Kudos

I agree this is super annoying. I don’t see the point of...


I agree this is super annoying. I don’t see the point of it. Even if I have Netflix on pause after 15 mins it defaults to live TV. It’s annoying how it exits out or the program you are watching and it can also be frustrating that if you leave the TV or if you have paused to make a phone call all of a sudden the TV will start blarring when it defaults to live. This seems like an easy fix and I am hoping they will change it. 


I’ve had blue curve for awhile and mine just started to d...


I’ve had blue curve for awhile and mine just started to do this. It never used to when paused. Still haven’t figured out how to fix it yet


This is a very annoying feature of Bluecurve. I could see...


This is a very annoying feature of Bluecurve. I could see it going back to live TV after a couple of hours but 10-15min, doesn't even give you enough time to do the things people would pause a show for. It's not like blue curve boxes are fast, the time it takes to get back to your recording is painfully slow. Please fix this or give us the option to set the time to return back to live TV
