Garbled Noise  For the Garbled Noise coming thru on Every...


                   Garbled Noise 

For the Garbled Noise coming thru on Every Channel, I ended up having to do a HARD RESET via Unplugging Everything in Both Rooms and Waiting for a couple of minutes before Plugging Everything back in, and then Waiting for the usual 15 - 20 minutes for the System to Reset itself...                                                        But... It Fixed the Garbled Noise within the Audio!

However, I'm just sooo NOT impressed with Shaw's TV/Internet Services or their Customer Service over the past few years with All the Continuous TV/Cable issues, along with the Frustration Level growing at a steady pace!

Having to get out of bed almost nightly to do these Hard Resets bcuz... If it's not 1 thing screwing up, its another! From Shaw's TV Services FREEZING to the Audio Issues and Everything in between.    

                   LOUD MODEM 

And then there's this super LOUD Modem that's been sounding like a Jets Engine taking off and then coming back in for a landing! And this has been going on for the past year or so...           I only wish that I could attach an Audio File so you all could hear just how LOUD this Modem really is!                     I used to watch TV with my Volume set on 3 or 4 depending on the Channel. Now with this extremely LOUD Modem, I have to Turn Up the Volume to 10 or more!!!  And even with my Volume cranked, I can still hear this extremely LOUD, NOISY Modem... It's absolutely ridiculous, just as it's absolutely Ridiculously LOUD!!!

Talking with Telus customers to see if Telus is any better and/or if Telus customers have alot of issues going on with their Telus services as well...?

              End of Rant for now...


0 Kudos

Book a service call.

Grand Master


Book a service call. 

0 Kudos

- I just have the one wired BlueCurve TV Player (XG1v3),...


@rstra - I just have the one wired BlueCurve TV Player (XG1v3), and unfortunately KTLA isn't available on the BlueCurve TV app, though I can view my recordings from KTLA on the app, and that's where I'm experiencing the issues, on the recordings from KTLA through the app.

0 Kudos

How are the recordings on the player?

Grand Master


How are the recordings on the player?

0 Kudos

- They're the same, with the same issue. It only seems to...


@rstra - They're the same, with the same issue. It only seems to occur on KTLA for the time being, as I've indicated this same problem before on the Shaw Forum.

0 Kudos

It could be a signal issue on the cable. Channels are sen...

Grand Master


It could be a signal issue on the cable. Channels are sent on various frequencies down the line and sometimes channel on higher frequencies can have issues. You may want to contact Shaw and get a service call booked. 

0 Kudos

In Thunder Bay, I get the problem on the Minneapolis feed...


In Thunder Bay, I get the problem on the Minneapolis feeds of PBS, ABC (this one seems the worst), CBS, NBC. Monday July 18 I recorded Jimmy Kimmel and so many video/audio blips that monologue jokes were unlistenable because you miss have of a sentence. Just got off Shaw chat. Of course he reset my box. I told him it happens to 2 people I work with as well. Not a box problem. I asked him to send me an email with updates.

0 Kudos

I should add that this has happened several times in the...


I should add that this has happened several times in the past. And also on the west coast feeds of ABC, CBS, etc. I checked the on demand version of the Kimmel show from last night and it does not have the many audio/video blips in it.

0 Kudos

Didn't book a Service Call (thanks for the tip), but I di...


Didn't book a Service Call (thanks for the tip), but I did have to Call back into Shaw once again, for some "Real" Support!


Funny how for the 3.5 plus years out of the 10 years that I've been living here and complaining to Shaw about my TV and Internet issues, incl the Noisy and very Loud Modem etc, NOT 1 (Male) Customer Service agent or 1 Male Technical Support Agent was able or willing to help me! 


And honestly, I haven't received any "Real" Help in all the years (since the late 1970's) of being a Shaw customer, until I Recently got thru to a Female CS agent who Happily went Over and Above and Helped me significantly, including paying careful Attention to ALL of the TV and Internet issues and symptoms that I'd been experiencing, and She came to the Brilliant Conclusion that I actually Needed a New Modem!! 


A new Modem which I've now connected, and to which the TV and Internet service has been much better thus far, although things Froze lastnight for about 2 minutes. And just when I was about to take a video for the Proof, it finally Unfroze. So I decided to do a "Restart" and it's been running good so far....

Will do a "System Refresh" IF it acts up again.... But then, I am getting a little Fed Up with all the Restarts and System Refreshes that I'm constantly having to perform and all bcuz of Shaw's LACK of Providing Exceptional Service!


But, the best part is... So far, and after many Years of putting up with a disturbingly Noisy and super Loud Modem that caused night after night of 000 sleep, I'm finally getting some sleep since the Older Black style Modem has been Replaced by the New White style Modem.....                 


I honestly don't know WHY, in all of the 10's of Dozens of Phonecalls into Shaw, that NOT ONE (1) Male Agent, be it a Customer Service Agent or a Technical Support Agent, Could or Would HELP me Properly??? 


And Not to be biased, but I'm getting tired of these Male CS agents and/or Male Technical Support Agents IGNORING me and doing absolutely NOTHING for me, especially when it was CLEAR that my Modem was NOT working Properly, and that the said Modem - Needed REPLACING!!


But... It's just more Proof that it takes a Woman to finally get the Lazy Man's job done RIGHT!!! Especially in Shaw's case...


Well... That's my rant for the month!

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