Guide not updating (Gateway PVR and Gateway Android App)


The guide on my Gateway PVR does not update.

If I unplug the Gateway and plug it back in (have done this about 3 times over the last few weeks), then it reads about 2 weeks of guide data.  It does not read any new data until I unplug and plug it in again, so the guide information does not maintain at 2 weeks (usually more like 12 days, I think) into the future.

I noticed that the Gateway Android App also does not extend as far into the future.  Last time I reset the Gateway PVR, it got guide data up to Dec 23 - at the same time, the Android App showed about one day more data (to Dec 24).  Currently, the Gateway PVR is showing the same data (ending on Dec 23, 10 days from now) as it had immediately after the reset, but the Andoid App is only showing guide information up to Dec 20.

It appears that the Android App and the PVR do not get the same data (possibly a different source?).  There is a Sync function to match up the data in the App and the Gateway PVR Portal, but this may only be for the channel list and a few other settings.

I think that this problem has been occurring since about the last daylight savings time change.  Perhaps some Shaw database server is not at the correct time, causing problems with syncing data?  I have seen this sort of thing myself when working with databases.

5 Replies

An update: I reset the Gateway PVR, and now its guide goe...


An update: I reset the Gateway PVR, and now its guide goes to Dec 26 (13 days from now), but the Android app still only goes to Dec 20 (tried sync with portal, with no effect).

The end of the guide data on both the Gateway PVR and the Android app is at 5pm (but different days).


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Same here, been happening since some point in Nov. Tried...


Same here, been happening since some point in Nov. Tried unplugging (again) and it hasn't reset this time. Last week tech support rebooted and it updated to current (for then) but hasn't updated since.

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Are you still seeing any issues with guide information on...


@withheld @dzl Are you still seeing any issues with guide information on your Gateway equipment? We did experience some issues with that in recent weeks, however this should now be resolved. 

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It appears to be good on my Gateway now.  Usually about 1...


It appears to be good on my Gateway now.  Usually about 12 days of guide data is there.

It used to be closer to 14 days with my older Motorola 3510 PVR - I have seen that difference ever since I got the Gateway.

In the android Gateway app the guide data still ends a day or two earlier than the end of the guide in the Gateway PVR (they both end at 5pm, so I think it may depend on what time of day I look as to whether it is 1 or 2 days different, as it may be about that time of day that they get updated).


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after several resets it's back working


after several resets it's back working

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