-- welcome to this peer-to-peer discussion forum. Did you...

Legendary Grand Master

@CathywithaC -- welcome to this peer-to-peer discussion forum.

Did you look in this thread for the message from @shaw-valerie  on 2020-05-14 at 01:18 PM?

She refers to a web-page on Shaw's web-site that may help you.


0 Kudos

And here we go again.  I was watching a show I had record...


And here we go again.  I was watching a show I had recorded from Food Network Canada tonight and right when they were to announce the winner of the competition, BOOM, it ended.  Do i really need to go back to tacking 5 minutes on the end of every show I record again?  This is really, really annoying!!!!!!!!!!  Luckily, the same show is airing again and I wlll have to rerecord it with added time just to watch the last 2 minutes.

It ahs been happening randomly on other channels as well but you'd think they'd have this fixed by now.  Why are shows ending early?  Is the system clock off again or is the recording software ending shows early purposely instead of going right to the next hour/half hour mark?  

Please fix this!!!!!!!

0 Kudos

This problem keeps happening to me too!!! It is very frus...


This problem keeps happening to me too!!! It is very frustrating that Shaw has so many programming issues. Our last box wouldn’t allow pausing of live tv...we’d pause then when we’d unpause it would jump to live tv. And now all our recorded shows cut off at 55 mins! Seriously fix your boxes. I used to live in Manitoba and Bell MTS had no issues with their pvr’s. Might have to consider switching to Bell, its been 3 years of frustration with Shaw.

0 Kudos

My Blue Curve is recording completely incorrectly, starti...


My Blue Curve is recording completely incorrectly, starting 30 minutes late, ending early. I did a restart. Same issue several channels and shows. I have been on hold with Shaw for 53 minutes. but no answer. Then..... call back during business hours. Ahhhhhhhhh. I also have a problem with paying for Gigabite speed internet and being told I should really only expect 300 speed because I live in a condo. Grrrrrrr. So I asked to be upgraded or charged for what I get they said, So Sad, Too Bad.


0 Kudos

-- welcome to the live broadcasts of NFL (National Footba...

Legendary Grand Master

@Chano -- welcome to the live broadcasts of NFL (National Football League) games.

For example, yesterday evening's Seattle Seahawks game had a player with a very serious-looking injury.

It stopped the game for 15 to 20 minutes, until he was loaded onto a back-board, and removed from the playing-field, taken by ambulance to the nearly "Level One Trauma Centre" (which is required to be on stand-by for each home game), for diagnosis.

Fortunately, the Seahawk's Twitter account reported that his CAT scan was clear, and he had full motion in his extremities.

Then, the game went into an overtime period.

So, the game definitely "ran long" -- causing the following shows (including NCIS: LA) to be "displaced" from their normal start-time.

Of course, the Shaw Guide did not adjust for the extra length of the game.

The start-time and end-time in the recording schedule did not span the actual broadcast time of the show. Thus, the recording only captured part of the show. Use "Shaw On Demand" to view the whole episode.



Being a subscriber of Shaw BlueCurve TV, I would've figur...


Being a subscriber of Shaw BlueCurve TV, I would've figured that if the game ran long it would automatically extend the recording time 'til the game was over, but this didn't happen on my end as my recording got cut off and I ended up missing the entire Overtime of the Seahawks game. I've been noticing that on many live sports broadcasts, I no longer see the notice of the sports event being extended if it runs long. Usually this appears as the guide continues to update every day prior to the live sports broadcast, but I've seen at times where that notice isn't there, which makes me wonder if it's still going to auto-extend the recording, or do I manually need to add extra time to the recording. From the past few live sports events I've recorded, that notice hasn't been there, even when if the sports event is just minutes away of starting. So, I guessing when should I actually program the DVR for the recording... as soon as it's listed in the guide (even if the scheduled time slot for the game is 2 weeks prior), or do i need to wait 'til I see that extended recording notice appear. It's been frustrating. I hope this issue can be looked into.

0 Kudos

-- on my older ARRIS Gateway HDPVR, whenever I schedule a...

Legendary Grand Master

@Zeph -- on my older ARRIS Gateway HDPVR, whenever I schedule a recording of a "live" event, I am always prompted with various "extend" options. Don't know about the BlueCurve.

If you are a #12 follower of the Seahawks, your heart could not have withstood the drama of that O.T. 🙂


0 Kudos

So sorry that this thread was missed, please note, as thi...


So sorry that this thread was missed, please note, as this is a peer-to-peer forum this platform is not closely monitored by our agents. Please note, as this is a peer-to-peer forum, this platform is not closely monitored by our agents. If you are needing immediate assistance, please contact our team at https://www.shaw.ca/contact-us

@Zeph @Chano  Do you continue to have trouble with your recording time? If so, this Community page:https://bit.ly/3ptfi3y should help with adding more time to your recording if needed for your BlueCurve Cable boxes.

If your issue persists, I would recommend reaching out to our Support Specialists via the contact link shared above.

Thank you kindly!


--  being told I should really only expect 300 speed beca...

Legendary Grand Master

@Chano --  being told I should really only expect 300 speed because I live in a condo. Grrrrrrr. So I asked to be upgraded or charged for what I get

So, if you "downgrade" to Fibre+ 300, will you still get 300? You may save $5 to $10 per month.

Yes, living in a condo, especially with non-21st-century wiring, can limit the speed to everybody in the building.

Be careful: if you are paying $25/month for Shaw Mobile because you have the Fibre+ Gig plan, you might have to pay $45/month if you downgrade your Internet to a lesser speed -- $20 more to get $10 less for Internet.  That makes no economic sense.


0 Kudos

- I haven't noticed any issues since, but I'll continue t...


@shaw-monica - I haven't noticed any issues since, but I'll continue to monitor and notify Shaw if it persists.
