Strange VOD/PPV charges on my latest Shaw bill

Legendary Grand Master


Today, when I received my latest Shaw bill, the bill showed 4 billable items for VOD/PPV programs (2 times $4.99, 2 times $11.99, before taxes) on the same day (January 15, 2020). Curiously, through My Shaw, when I viewed all my transactions for January, it showed 3 transactions (2 times $4.99, and 1 times $23.98).

I was billed for "Dirty Dancing" and "Sex in the City 2" ($4.99 each) and some program that Shaw could not identify.  Those movies are not the style of programming that I would pay to watch. I don't have any Shaw app on any of my devices.

When I talked to Shaw (Charlottetown), they said that I ordered them at 3 AM, 4 AM, 5:42 AM, and 8:10 AM. But, I live alone, do not sleep-walk, and did not have any visitors (human, canine, feline) during those hours. I was asleep during those hours, and rarely watch any TV before noon. I did "rent" ($0.00 rate) two TV on Demand broadcasts much later in the day.

After a long discussion, Shaw agreed to a "one-time-only" reversal of all the charges. As a very-long-time subscriber of Shaw, that is what I expected.

So, I am happy that the charges were cancelled, but not happy that the Shaw representative was so unwilling to listen to my arguments (until he must have talked to a supervisor), but am puzzled as to why I was charged.

Apparently, I can ask Shaw to block all VOD/PPV orders, but they cannot allow only the "free" items.

Anybody got any similar experience?  Moral of my story: check your Shaw bill!


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12 Replies

Glad to hear you got the billing portion of this taken ca...


@mdk Glad to hear you got the billing portion of this taken care of. The only other explanation I can think of for this situation would be if you had sold or given away a cable box, but it is still registered to your account. If you have gotten rid of any boxes that you weren't using I'd recommend that you review the equipment registered to your account with an agent just to confirm that all the boxes we show as active are ones that you have connected in your home. 

0 Kudos

My dad - (75) repeatedly gets charged $100/month on ppv t...


My dad - (75) repeatedly gets charged $100/month on ppv that i do not think he knowingly rents. I asked him if he ever ordered PPV and he said no, but over 3+ months there was hundreds of dollars in charges (one time 5+ times on same day). I assumed he was struggling to understand/read what he was selecting so after talking to Shaw I (with his knowledge) put a lock-out code on his PPV options. This month he has over $115 in PPV rentals all at $12.99 and he said he did not ever rent one. I feel like they are either scamming people who don't read their bill or have a flaw in the system that false charges. When i called the first time they said they would not reverse the incorrect charges and advised i put a lock out. I did and that did not work, so changing services will be his only option.


which l cable box does he have, does he have more than on...

Grand Master

@smckinno which l cable box does he have, does he have more than one? Shaw used to be able to block vod, you can check with them to see if that is possible. You can also check with Shaw to make sure his cable box(es) match what is in his account. 

0 Kudos

hope you file a-z claim and violation of his account for...


hope you file a-z claim and violation of his account for fraudulent charges and hope charges are removed permanetly.  hope it goes well.  

0 Kudos

I have been charged almost $300 a month for the last 6 mo...


I have been charged almost $300 a month for the last 6 months for PPV and I am the same...alone no critters etc. They only reversed 1/2 of the charges and are threatening to cut off my account if I don't pay in full. Time to go to News outlets about this rip off!!


-- I have been charged almost $300 a month for the last 6...

Legendary Grand Master

@janet53 -- I have been charged almost $300 a month for the last 6 months for PPV and I am the same...alone no critters etc.

Logon to the My Shaw Portal, and click "My Bills". Scroll-down to "Transactions".

Change the start-date to the start of 2021, and view all the transactions, such as the dates & title of each alleged PPV rental.

What do you see? 

Has somebody compromised your Shaw ID & password, and is using the BlueCurve app on some device to order/watch PPV content?

During 2021, have you changed your Shaw TV box, without telling Shaw that you want them to "remove" the box from your account?

> Time to go to News outlets about this rip off!!

A "rip-off" is intentional, but your issue might have some other explanation. Contact Shaw (1-888-472-2222) and talk to their "billing" agents.


0 Kudos

this has happened to me too! the chat support guy was sup...


this has happened to me too! the chat support guy was super rude and said "no you ordered it!" And I'm like ok let me speak to your manager and he was literally said, "you can log off chat and get someone else" I'm like wow you are an @sshole! I logged off and rejoined the chat and realized it was closing time, the rep knew that too and I just renewed my contract.

I got billed over $200 bucks for this crap and I'm an IT guy i would never authorized such movies to watch. I did a charge back and all they did was just re-add it to my next bill. Classy, I'm trying to get these charges removed but if they going to play this game, I will too as i bet them ANYTHING if they check the bandwidth logs these movies were not streamed at all, and living in a digital age there is a digital fingerprint of everything you do these days.

Rogers/shaw you upset me so much as a customer, I literally can't wait to leave. 


If you in buyer remorse rogers now has 30 guarantee no mo...


If you in buyer remorse rogers now has 30 day price guarantee no more 10 day grace period.  If they can't remove those charges   ccts can help or bbb.  Good luck 

0 Kudos

I too have had a strange movie rental charge for 24.99....


I too have had a strange movie rental charge for 24.99.  When I contacted customer service instead of trying to sort out the problem I encountered the rudest person possible.  Pretty much called me a liar.  How do I rent movies when I am not even watching TV?  I guess it was the dog.  Will be cancelling Shaw TV when my contract is up.  Crap like this leaves a sour taste.  

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