I changed to Shaw Blue Curve in November. One if the issues I am having is that live tv is not on the same time as a friend. For instance we often text back and forth when Canucks score. Her tv is at least 15 Seconds ahead of mine. How can this be fixed? Watching sports needs to be the same.
If you are on cloud, when you change to a channel it has to buffer the content before it can display on your TV.
I am having the exact same issue. I have had a tech out and he changed some things and made sure internet and everything was working properly but still can't figure out why it's so far behind. I have literally tried everything and it won't fix. Even for the ball drop on New Year I was about 15 - 20 seconds behind the ball drop. I do a lot of live sports betting and it's almost impossible with the delay, very annoying and I definitely wouldn't recommend Shaw. If you watch the time on your phone and the time on guide it's about 20 seconds behind real time. Needs to be fixed.
@ssunell -- were both of you watching the same HD (or SD) channel, or "one-of-each" ?
Were both of you connected to Shaw TV, or was she watching on TELUS TV?
Can you confirm the "actual" time by also listening to the Canucks on radio?
If you are using BlueCurve there will be latency, just like all iptv. The best way to reduce the delay is by switching to regular cable, satellite of over the air.
@KoPete13 -- when I was volunteering for the Vancouver 2010 Olympics, outside of Canada Hockey Place, I could hear the horn sound, whenever either team scored. I had enough time to walk to the nearest (not closed-circuit) TV, in a "break-room", and watch "live" the scoring of the goal. Transmission delay from C.H.P. to the host broadcaster's offices, up to the stationary satellite, back down, and then fed into the closed-circuit network. It was cool to watch "everything" from every venue, via the closed-circuit feeds.
Yeah lol I totally get that, that's the best time to bet on a live game is in person, but I'm just talking tv to tv there is so much delay it's insane. Not even the time from Phone to TV match
@KoPete13 -- when listening to the radio broadcast, are you using an over-the-air AM/FM radio, or are you streaming over the Internet from the radio-station's web-site? Does that make a "timing" difference? How far "ahead" is the over-the-air stream of your TV?