Alternating Error messages trying to log in to webmail on Desktop


I'm finding it impossible to log in to webmail on my desktop all of a sudden and not sure why. I frequently get the 'unable to communicate' error, so I'm used to dealing with that, and cleared my cookies etc as I normally do when that happens. However, I'm still getting that error, and it's alternating between that and another saying invalid email or password. The thing is, I use autocomplete for my login details and it's always worked before, and it's using the same login details as usual.

The strangest part is that I can log in just fine on my iPhone, with the same credentials I'm using on desktop, so I know it's not genuinely the login details, so I've been left genuinely puzzled as to how to  fix the problem, or what it is.

I'm on Windows 11, and normally use Chrome, but I've tested in both Chrome and Firefox and get the same error on both, with no issues at all on my iPhone. Have cleared cookies and cache and had no luck. I'm not sure what could have changed between it working fine last night and not working today, but I'm clueless.

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3 Replies

-- the "unable to communicate with server" message has be...

Legendary Grand Master

@minahraven -- the "unable to communicate with server" message has been discussed in several threads within this discussion forum. 

The cause is that Shaw's "WebMail" server is either not communicating with Shaw's "authentication" server, or that the "authentication" server is so slow to respond that the "WebMail" server is declaring "unable to communicate".

For me, when I get the error-message, I just click again on the "Sign In" button, and it works.

I'm not sure what could have changed between it working fine last night and not working today

This issue has been present for at least one year, not just "last night".




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I'm familiar with the 'unable to communicate with server'...


I'm familiar with the 'unable to communicate with server' issue as, as you rightly suggest, I've been experiencing it for quite some time (not quite a year though), and have always had to simply click sign in a few times and/or refresh the page in order to log in, or clear the cache. However, the issue that had started for me the night before posting this (and is still present) was the combination of the two errors alternating, when I hadn't had the password error previously and wasn't getting it on my mobile devices. I would simply change my password and try that, but I don't have credit on my phone currently for 2FA and have to wait to be able to top up, and either way, it doesn't answer the question of why it suddenly started telling me my password or email is invalid when I use autocomplete and haven't altered the field input, and still have the same credentials on my mobile without any issues logging in.

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--  I don't have credit on my phone currently for 2FA and...

Legendary Grand Master

@minahraven --  I don't have credit on my phone currently for 2FA and have to wait to be able to top up

Which mobile provider is charging you for each incoming text-message?  Or, for more than NNN text-messages per billing-period?

Why must you "wait"? Does your mobile provider not automatically start a new billing-period when you have reached the limit for the current billing-period?  Can you manually force a new billing-period?


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