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is your modem set in bridge mode and plugged into Port 1?...


@guidoxforxlife is your modem set in bridge mode and plugged into Port 1? I have some steps here to help you out.

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-- I am having the same problem. Can you supply more det...

Legendary Grand Master

@guidoxforxlife -- I am having the same problem.

Can you supply more details:

* which cable-modem (Cisco? Hitron? BlueCurve?)

* is the modem set to "bridged" mode or normal "router" mode?

* what is your own router (manufacturer and model) ?

* if you connect a computer directly to your cable-modem, and open a command-line prompt, and enter: IPCONFIG

  do the listed IP-addresses start with "192.168", or "10.0" ?  The "gateway" should have an IP-address ending with ".1".

  What is the full IP-address?

* if you connect a computer to a LAN port on your own router, and open a command-line prompt, and enter: IPCONFIG

  do the listed IP-addresses start with "192.168", or "10.0" ?  The "gateway" should have an IP-address ending with ".1".

  What is the full IP-address?

With that information, we can try to help.


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I have the same issue, trying to connect a pfSense router...


I have the same issue, trying to connect a pfSense router. I would like to request a modem update, please, if that is the solution.

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are you seeing a DHCP error and are trying to use both po...


@animism are you seeing a DHCP error and are trying to use both ports on the XB6? If it's a single port, it should work normally.

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I'm having the same issue as the OP, no error. Only using...


I'm having the same issue as the OP, no error. Only using port 1 on the BlueCurve XB6 modem in bridged mode, WAN port on my pfSense router is set to DHCP but not getting an IP. Plugging in other computers and devices directly into the XB6 gives an IP. I then tried spoofing the WAN MAC of the XB6 on my pfSense WAN port and was able to get an IP and a Gateway IP, but the Gateway shows offline (blocking ICMP?), and I have no internet. Tried pinging various external servers such as Google's DNS ( from pfSense, and connected computers to the LAN port to test; nothing resolves when reaching out. No block/reject firewall rules were applied while testing.

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-- check with Shaw (online-chat or telephone) that your a...

Legendary Grand Master

@animism -- check with Shaw (online-chat or telephone) that your account is provisioned with 2 IP-addresses -- the 2nd IP-address has no monthly fee. Get Shaw to reprovision your cable-modem. In this forum, one person reported that Shaw needed to push a software update to the cable-modem, and that doing so solved their problem.

Note that it is your cable-modem that enforces the limit on the number of "public" IP-addresses assigned. You need to power-off the cable-modem, disconnect both Ethernet cables, and power-on the modem. After it is fully restarted, reconnect one Ethernet cable, and check that it has received a "public" IP-address. Then, reconnect the other Ethernet cable, and check that it has received a "public" IP-address. 



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I am having the same issues with my xb6 in bridge mode no...


@shaw-tonyI am having the same issues with my xb6 in bridge mode no longer giving my router a WAN IP today. (It was working the past 2+ yrs, until today I've had to power cycle my router....) I've tried power-cycling both the modem and router, no joy.

For now, I've re-enabled the router function on the xb6. However, I am only getting ~280mbps from my 600 service. (I was getting the full 600 when bridge mode was working)

I called the contact centre and I was provisioned a 2nd IP but that did not help. Is it possible to push the hotfix you've mentioned to my modem please? 🙂

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-- I was provisioned a 2nd IP but that did not help. Afte...

Legendary Grand Master

@Vortex -- I was provisioned a 2nd IP but that did not help.

After receiving that, did you power-cycle the Shaw cable-modem?

What happens after setting it to "bridge" mode, and power-cycling the modem?


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Hi mdk, I did power cycle the modem multiple times (waiti...



I did power cycle the modem multiple times (waiting ~5 mins before I power it back on). With the xb6 in bridge mode, I've confirmed there are two IPs assigned to my account by plugging in a laptop directly into the modem and a Linksys router in bridge mode with a PC attached. The laptop and the PC each has an unique IP.

With the XB6 in bridge mode, If I were to plug in just the router (in router mode), I won't get a WAN IP. If I were to plug in a laptop directly into the XB6, I'd get an IP right away.

I've been on multiple calls with Shaw agents. During my latest call with them, the agent quoted a known issue from May 20 with bridge mode not working . He then sent a ticket to the tech team and supposedly a workaround was applied by that team in attempts to fix the problem, but alas, no joy.

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-- With the XB6 in bridge mode, If I were to plug in just...

Legendary Grand Master

@Vortex -- With the XB6 in bridge mode, If I were to plug in just the router (in router mode), I won't get a WAN IP. If I were to plug in a laptop directly into the XB6, I'd get an IP right away.

I think that if you disconnect the Ethernet cables from the cable-modem, and then power-cycle the cable-modem and power-off your router, and let the cable-modem fully restart, and then power-on and connect the router, it will get a "public" IP-address from Shaw's DHCP-servers, and that when you directly connect the laptop to the cable-modem, it too will get a "public" IP-address.


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