Same problem here. Can send on my Wi Fi but not on data....


Same problem here. Can send on my Wi Fi but not on data. Android Samsung A71.  I'm using Blue Mail and G Mail.

G Mail addresses and Hotmail addresses send and receive fine on data.

The problem started 4-5 months ago. I have tried every setting there is. I have taken the phone to Telus to have them check all the settings.

I have been going through this for months with Blue Mail (They are trying very hard to help but the problem does not originate with them). Everyone says it is a Shaw issue, everyone except Shaw that is. I have been talking to Shaw support several times, most are tryiing to be very helpful, but I think this is above the average Shaw techs paygrade.

The only way this gets solved, is if an E Mail handler like Bluemail comes up with a patch that makes it work. Shaw has no intention of fixing the issue.

There does not seem to be a fix for this because Shaw does not want to fix or admit it is their defect/design.

They simply want you to use Webmail (Useless poor design).

Unfortunately, I need to send e mails on data frequently because it is a business E Mail address. 

So I guess I have to use Webmail to send on data, but I will use Bluemail to receive and view E Mails.

Unless Shaw corrects the problem, I will be deleting all my Shaw accounts (Cable and Internet) (45 year customer), as soon as I can set up a new business E Mail and get all my customers/contractors up dated to a new E Mail address. Unfortunately, this could take a year or more as many customers only contact me once or twice a year and only a fraction are in my address book.

To all the new E Mail users, don't make the mistake of starting a Shaw E Mail address.

Use G Mail or Hotmail.




Yeah, very frustrating.  I've now tried 3 different apps,...


Yeah, very frustrating.  I've now tried 3 different apps, on both my Samsung and my wife's iPhone and I can't connect to the outgoing server while on data at all. 

I'm in a similar situation.  I think I'm going to have to go away from the shaw email addresses, but it will be a major undertaking as i have so many contacts...

I've been a Shaw customer since 1991, but I'm feeling like it may be time for a change. 


I've been looking....


I've been looking at trying to set it up as an exchange server but I don't see anywhere on these apps to select exchange server...


Just to add to this, I was able to set up my email as an...


Just to add to this, I was able to set up my email as an exchange server. Seems to be working so far. 


I have my cell phone plans through Shaw and I cannot send...


I have my cell phone plans through Shaw and I cannot send emails when away from home. I had this problem before and then since I switch to Shaw Mobile the problem went away. Now it's back. I am still on Shaw Mobile. Support had me test the webmail client and since it works, that's it for support.

0 Kudos

Almost like they don't want us as email clients. Maybe th...


Almost like they don't want us as email clients. Maybe they want everyone to shutdown their email accounts so they can get out of the email provider rat race?

0 Kudos

Reach out if you find a solution. Mine worked for years a...


Reach out if you find a solution. Mine worked for years and starting last week it just stopped. I can receive emails but the outbound server doesnt work while my phone is on data. Works totally fine on wifi. 

I have tried several separate apps. Followed every instruction from shaw. I dont know what else to do.

0 Kudos

The ability to send E-mail through "data" depends on whic...

Legendary Grand Master

The ability to send E-mail through "data" depends on which E-mail program you are using on your WiFi device.

Web-based E-mail systems, such as GMail and Hotmail and Shaw WebMail, should have no problems sending E-mail, no matter the path (Internet or cellular-data) that you connect to these web-sites.

However, if you use a full E-mail program, such as Microsoft Outlook, or Thunderbird, or Windows Mail, and your E-mail program is configured to ONLY connect with Shaw's SMTP-server, not with the SMTP-server provided by your current Internet connection (example: "Free WiFi at Tim Hortons") then Shaw's SMTP-server will not allow you to send through Shaw's SMTP-server.  Shaw does this to block scammers/spammers (on other networks) who try to exploit Shaw's SMTP-server to deliver their unwanted content.

So, more details are needed.

Which E-mail program are you using?

What error-message(s) do you get when sending while not at home with your Shaw cable-modem, and not using the ShawOpen WiFi network at a public location?

0 Kudos
Loading... Port 587 SSL Password authentication  This w...

Grand Master

Port 587
Password authentication 

This works for me while on data. 


I appreciate the response.  It just doest work across any...


I appreciate the response.  It just doest work across any mail app. It suddenly stopped working two weeks ago and never came back.

0 Kudos