Email contact to Shaw Support


Good morning and happy labor day weekend.  Hope you got out to do sumpin interesting.  I need to contact internet support due to a number of problems . First  let me say that I am a handicapped senior woman of 75. Beside major skeletal problems I've been diagnosed with PTSD, Anxiety & sever chronic depression.  This makes trying to contact a person on the phone as I can get frustrated & sort of lose my temper. NOT GOOD!!  I have been with Shaw for over 20 years, but since upgrading to the most recent wifi I've had nothing but problems. Just recently, I was on the phone to tech support and the gent I was chatting with decided that I had the wrong department & transferred over to a colleague, a woman, who afre of trying to understand my plight put me on hold & never came back. Line went dead so I was actually "hang-up"on. I would like to email support in order to calmly discuss what has been happening & if they chose can call me or have their supervisor contact me.  I strongly believe that whith prior notice whomever I speak to, I will be able to do so under control.  For all you wonderful young peeps out there,  it's a real drag to get old and decrepit when you have been very independent and active all ones live. I was a drummer, shade tree mech, motorcyclists. It's tough. For separate reasons, I quit smoking 36 yrs ago & smoking 15. But all that made no difference in my health whether it was genes or lack if caring for my body.  Just a tough,stubborn Oldbroad. Hope someone here abouts can please assist me.  If email address is against policy, please allow a super to see this chat, & call ๐Ÿ“ž me. Cheers Oldbroad Angela. 

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