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Intermittent Packet Loss (Unresolved since June)


I've posted before and have has 3 tech visit since June. Refer here:


Packet Loss remains an issue. Specifically and especially on Thursday, 4am-10am and then again at 6-10pm. Same "we don't see anything" from Shaw. Literally showed the Senior tech the issue happening LIVE in his face with lagging websites, failed DSLReports Ping Test (all F scores) and he gave me a robotic response of "I don't see anything your levels look fine". When I asked him what he would do in my situation he said that he wouldn't know and that he "wouldn't get worked up about it because nothing in this world is perfect". Insulting response to say the least. He literally just drove to my place to tell me he didn't see anything and just left. Didn't use any of his tools or anything, just came to deliver the same bullcrap message.

Smoke ping shows severe packet loss still on Thursday. I have actually consulted with other neighbors in my condo building and they've reported noticing poor performance as of late, although they don't game so they don't notice it to the same degree. For things like Netflix or browsing, an intermittent lag spike or PL for a 5-10 sec duration would be more difficult to notice since videos buffer ahead. For anything that requires persistent connection, VoIP and games, the effects are disastrous. In any case, they've noticed it as well but chalked it up as "Shaw having a bad moment" but didn't think it was bad enough to call in.

I'm not going to run any of the suggested Shaw tests as I've learned they are primitive and incapable of capturing the impact of intermittent Packet loss. Ping test won't show many dropped packets as it feels the interval is too long. I will only be willing to provide results from superior applications like Ping Plotter or Smoke Ping results. Sick of using tools that give Shaw an excuse to not take action.


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I am very sorry for the ongoing issues you've been experi...


@clockwerk I am very sorry for the ongoing issues you've been experiencing. Apologies again that I missed your last responses on the forum.

Update: I inquired with our engineers about your area. Looks like there is an issue and technical teams are working on a resolution. The issue can be tracked under PRB0049090.

@JakeT oh no! That is super frustrating ☹️! I appreciate your time and patience in having us try to fix the problem. 

Update: There seems to be intermittent noise in your area causing issues. Our technical teams are investigating and working towards a fix. I am sorry for any inconvenience. Your issue is tracked under INC0611874.

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40 Replies
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I have the same issues as the following thread: https://s...


Just wanted to add that I have the same issues as the following thread:


Looks like the outcome after a long period of working with Shaw resulted in the customer leaving. Not very reassuring. What's happening to this user and what Shaw's response to me so far has been near identical.

Another user responds further down in the thread:


Also reporting the same issues and also provides several links to other threads that show users having this issue. As far as I know, the issue remains unresolved and Shaw is still gas lighting us into saying the problem is not on their end and having us chase our own ghosts.


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At the end of the day The Service Provider should be deli...


At the end of the day The Service Provider should be delivering what was purchased. If not able to then the customer is entitled to a discount. What internet speed have you purchased. I switched from Bell/mts and have found the internet 300 far more superior. The Bell system lagged, and has a horrible netflix app, and lots of laggy on gaming. So far with Shaw equipment and system works great and is far more advanced than the most up to date equipment that Bell/ mts had. I switched 2 months ago. It may be worth asking them to increase your speed and because of the issues offer it to you at a reduced rate.

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I have been experiencing these issues for going on 8 to 9...


I have been experiencing these issues for going on 8 to 9 months. Around the time others have said that Shaw upgraded everyone from 150 to 300 and from 300 to 600. All wired connections and wireless go out at the same time the modem 99% of the time shows that it is connected but I will disconnect all hours of the day at seemingly randomly... one day it could be two disconnects the next it could be 40+ times. I have had about 8 or so technicians come out to my house... Every cable in my house has been replaced by Shaw from the wire going from the ally way green box, thru my basement wall, under my floor, up to my wall outlet and to the modem. And my modem has been swapped twice. I also went and bought a new router to see if this helped but I found out it was just random and I was experiencing a few light days of disconnects and soon found myself disconnecting again 40+ times a day.


To further troubleshoot this for about a week I disconnected everything in my house other then 1 computer wired directly in to the modem and 1 computer wireless and it still did not fix the issue. I then tested with just the wired computer for a few days and this again still did not fix the issue I tried a different computer being the only thing connected to my network and this again still did not fix the issue. I did this to test if my devices were some how the root of the problem.


I have gone as far as to having a "ping -t" command going all day to directly show me when my network is going down and have 100s of screenshots of ping tests and trace routes. I also downloaded a program called Internet Connectivity Monitor which I set up to run ping tests on Shaws website as well as google non stop and it counts how many times you disconnect in a day. I have shown people at Shaw these screenshots and talked to seemingly every "senior tech". And nothing has fixed it. If I talk about the issue to just the low tech people in chat they dont understand what is happening and draw blanks or ask me to try things I have done a 100 times. Any higher up person tells me its a problem with the node in my area and they are working on it... over half a year later its still not fixed.


So I finally gave up and wanted to switch off of Shaw to another ISP. But I'm under contract and was told by "loyalty" that because I still have usage on my network despite the stability issue I would still have to pay $15 for every month I have left on my contract. So I have come to the point where I use my Public Mobile cell phone internet plan to power my network when Im doing anything important until my GB's run out and then use shaw after that...


The sad part is Shaw was great for about 5 months before the free upgrade... If I was having these issues within the first 2 weeks of the contract I would have simply canceled my service with no fine. 


All in all I would not hold my breath waiting for Shaw to fix this issue. I have almost entirely given up on the situation and as soon as I have some extra cash will pay the $15 for every remaining month and switch to a different ISP. Will most likely have to give DSL a try... its a lot slower but if its more stable then I could care less.

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Not very encouraging experience my friend. At least they’...


Not very encouraging experience my friend. At least they’ve identified the problem to your node. For me, “everything looks great” and my modem is “the model example of a healthy line”. And yet I find myself always coming back here or on Twitter. Not sure how much more I can bear this...

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I am very sorry for the ongoing issues you've been experi...


@clockwerk I am very sorry for the ongoing issues you've been experiencing. Apologies again that I missed your last responses on the forum.

Update: I inquired with our engineers about your area. Looks like there is an issue and technical teams are working on a resolution. The issue can be tracked under PRB0049090.

@JakeT oh no! That is super frustrating ☹️! I appreciate your time and patience in having us try to fix the problem. 

Update: There seems to be intermittent noise in your area causing issues. Our technical teams are investigating and working towards a fix. I am sorry for any inconvenience. Your issue is tracked under INC0611874.

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Hi Tony, I appreciate the update. Do you know if this is...


Hi Tony,

I appreciate the update. Do you know if this is an issue that started today or was it a long standing issue that was only found today? I'm just wondering since this packet loss issue has been specific to me and a few other people only, not a widespread issue, afaik.

Is your second update about intermittent noise in response to me or to JakeT (or both?)

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looks to be an issue that cropped up a month ago, which i...


@clockwerk looks to be an issue that cropped up a month ago, which is a continual investigation. The engineer pointed me at the ticket. They have engaged with the vendor on a resolution. Yours is tracked under PRB0049090.

The intermittent noise is for JakeT only (INC0611874), as it is a separate issue and area.

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Thanks for the update. Could you share any details about...


Thanks for the update. Could you share any details about the issue? It sounds like faulty hardware if I'm understanding correctly. If it's been outstanding for a month, it's strange that Shaw help (twittert team) wasn't aware of this. Anyway, should we expect a resolution within the next few days or will it be longer? Just curious.

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Hi Tony this was good news to hear that it was in fact my...


Hi Tony this was good news to hear that it was in fact my node when I heard it originally 5 months or so ago...


This "INC590622 " was the last tracking number for my node I was given 4 months ago by a Shaw Rep. From what I have been told for months is that it is an area issue and on the service tracking number it keeps showing up as resolved, disappearing and then popping back up a few days or weeks later never getting fixed. Dealing with these issues for as long as I have and being told the node is being fixed now for months on months but not seeing a result is really frustrating. It almost feels like I have just been strung along for 8 months. And to top it off being told I cant even cancel my contract with out the $15 for every reaming month fine because I have "usage" on my network even after dealing with 40+ disconnects a day for that long is even more frustrating. Of coarse I have usage on my network. I live in a house with 6 people and have no cable TV no home phone or anything of the sort ONLY internet... Even if we disconnect 40+ times a day people are still going to try and watch netflix so they have something to do in down time.


Unless this repair under the tracking number you just gave me INC0611874 is any different then the last 3 or 4 attempts to fix the issue I doubt I will see an increase in stability. I have got my hopes up to many times hearing the "intermittent noise in your area causing issues" "We are fixing it now".

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