What is going on with Shaw today? Our connection dropped a dozen times today and for about 10 minutes each time. What the heck is going on? I pay $128 freaking dollars every month for this service. This is in Victoria.
@VR57 -- what part of Greater Victoria? Oak Bay? West Saanich? East Saanich? City? Esquimalt? Royal Oak? Langford? Colwood? Metchosin? Sooke?
What time(s) of day?
Only Internet was down? Only Shaw Home Phone was down? Only Shaw TV was down?
Did you logon to the My Shaw Portal, to look for a message from Shaw that was specific to your location?
Did you contact Shaw? 1-888-472-2222 or www.shaw.ca/chat to get any information from Shaw/Rogers?
Still a problem?
Did you try removing the electrical power from the cable-modem, waiting a few seconds, then reconnecting the power, and letting it fully restart?
my phone has been out since yesterday they promised repairs by noon three hours later they now send me to teck support
@3121 -- Did you contact Shaw? 1-888-472-2222 or www.shaw.ca/chat to get any information from Shaw/Rogers?
> they promised repairs by noon
That was Monday. Now, two days later, is it still a problem?
Did the repair technician call you on Monday, to say that they would be delayed, due to taking longer-than-expected issues with their current appointment?
Did the repair technician show up, later on Monday, or on Tuesday?
@brianjohnson -- I have a friend in the Gordon Head area who said that some of Shaw's infrastructure in that area currently is underwater, due to flooding, thus causing interruptions. Is that your physical location?
View Royal
Been on about 7 hours worth of phone calls with Shaw for the past few weeks. One technician of three have showed up. I'm at the end of my rope. No one at Shaw has mentioned anything being underwater. I suspect it's somehow related to the convergence with Rogers.
@VR57 -- I suspect it's somehow related to the convergence with Rogers.
You might be right. Some former-Shaw employees, who now are employed by Shaw, have been on strike.
It might also be the phase of the moon.
It might also be the recent high winds that blew trees down, onto power/data lines.
Anyway, @VR57 -- exactly what are your issues & problems?
@VR57 It has nothing to do with the Rogers takeover. The Rogers infrastructure can manage being in water, I doubt that the equipment is underwater. Keep trying to get a technician to come by and check things out.