I installed the HotSpot 2.0 profile that includes Shaw Passpoint, but every time it tries to connect to Shaw Passpoint it spins and briefly displays "Weak Security" under the Wifi name and doesn't connect. My phone automatically tries to keep connecting to Passpoint but it never works anymore. I've tried deleting and reinstalling the configuration profile several times. It only seems to connect with "Shaw Open" and even then it doesn't recognize the device I registered and asks me to "add" my phone to the approved list of devices, causing a duplicate.
I got a replacement iPhone 11 Pro Max from Apple and I haven't been able to connect to Shaw Passpoint ever since. My original iPhone worked fine. I'm on IOS 14.1.
Any suggestions?
@snyp1193 -- as mentioned elsewhere in this forum, the newest iPhones can change their MAC-address every time that they connect to a WiFi network. This makes it more difficult for the location of your iPhone to be tracked, as compared to the older iPhones, that never changed their MAC-address. So, for each different MAC-address, you must "add" your phone, until you hit your limit of 10 devices per Shaw Account.
The bypass is to disable this feature in IOS.
That’s weird. My previous iPhone was on iOS 14 when it got replaced and I connected to the hotspot with it.
How do I disable this? Do you think this will fix the problem for ShawPassport not connecting even if the profile is there?
Try going in to Settings/Wifi and click on the settings for the Passpoint connection and turn off “Private Address”. You may need to remove and re-install the certificate.
Thanks I will try that the next time i’m out and near a Shaw Passpoint hotspot. I’ve also reset my network and settings on my phone so let’s hope it works.
I managed to get a new Passpoint profile installed and it finally saved my real MAC address onto my Shaw account after toggling the “Private Address” on the wifi before connecting to Shaw Open and Shaw Passpoint.
However it seems to consistently turn on again if you switch between different Shaw Open hotspots (sometimes the same one if you turn off/on wifi) and then it begins to prompt you to login and save the phone again, which is annoying. I ended up disabling auto join on Shaw Open and kept Shaw Passpoint on auto join instead, It no longer seems to be affected by the “Private Address”option even switching between multiple passpoint hotspots.
Overall quite a hassle to get the seamless connection working compared to pre iOS 14....Hopefully Shaw can address this issue and have an official guide for connecting in the new software.
@snyp1193 Thanks for the update, I am noticing the same thing, private address came, back on. I will try changing the auto join settings and see what happens.
I wish there was a way to turn it off by default rather than per wifi network. I could care less if someone knows my real MAC address as they can’t do anything with it other than block it.
Private or actual, even though I have a hotspot 2.0 profile, when I try to connect at ANY shaw hotspot, while connecting I am asked for a username and a password.
neither my shaw ID, my shaw account number, my shaw.ca email address is accepted. All are flagged as invalid!
Been trying through shaw support since Nov 17 to get this fixed. No luck! My old phone, a 6S is wifi only, still connects to Passpoint. The new XS will not connect. Both the 6S and the XS have iOS 14.4 installed. No one at Shaw has been able to help!
Assistance would be sincerely appreciated. If this persists, after 15 years with Shaw, I will have to switch providers. This is unconscionable, given the costs I must pay!
@FoxbatsXS -- neither my shaw ID, my shaw account number, my shaw.ca email address is accepted. All are flagged as invalid!
Got any friends with their own Shaw ID who can try to use their ID to connect?
Each Shaw Account is allowed up to TEN E-mail IDs. Got an additional ID? Can you create another one, and try it?