Shaw sent my account to collections before payment due date


I have 2 Shaw accounts for different houses that I own.  In Oct I ended the services on one account.  On November 4th I received an email stating I owed $161.91 and payment was due on December 4th, 2021.

I received no other communications from Shaw regarding the cancelled account after the November 4th email.

On Dec 1st, I received a call from a collection’s agency regarding an unpaid $56.91.   Shaw sent me to collections before the Payment due date had arrived.

I spent several hours with multiple Shaw agents each requiring extensive conversations.  2 were often hostile to me and actively tried to convince me that I was at fault.  I had to send them a copy of my email showing the due date of Dec 4 before the agents backed down and agreed that it was Shaw’s error. 

The insane number of hours I have spent last night and today for Shaw’s 100% error is astonishing.  


  1.             I did nothing wrong.
  2.             As per Shaw's email Nov 4, payment was not due until Dec 4. 
  3.             Shaw did not send any communications after Nov 4 stating that my account was being sent to collections and made no attempts to contact me.
  4.             I am still an active customer with Shaw on a linked autopay account and yet Shaw thought the best course of action was to send my account to collections before the money was due.
  5.             Shaw choose to potentially negatively impact an active customer’s credit rating for years to come over $56.91 that wasn’t due yet.
  6.             The burden to demonstrate Shaw’s complete incompetence fell on me and is now also on me to ensure my credit is not negatively impacted.

This is a gross example of customer service, systems and processes, and Shaw is displaying a fundamental lack of understanding of reasonable compensation for their mistakes.  I paid every bill on time, yet Shaw believed that it was reasonable to send my account to collections agency and impact my credit score over $56. 

Other then cancelling my current services, how can a consumer hold Shaw accountable for the time and energy I have had to spend because of their mistakes?

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5 Replies

There is a “Your Voice” option that, I think, goes furthe...

Grand Master

There is a “Your Voice” option that, I think, goes further up the line. I agree, Shaw has become really trigger happy when it comes sending accounts to collections.


I hope they heped you and get your money back and get hem...



I hope they heped you and get your money back and get hem to remove the lack spot on your credit report, If it was happened to me I would file bb or crtc and or court.  I be livid but luckily I'm no a customer aymore.  Hope you have a successful resolution today.  Have a blessed day.  

0 Kudos

-- In Oct I ended the services on one account.   The day...

Legendary Grand Master

@dave044 -- In Oct I ended the services on one account.  

The day after you ended the services, Shaw added a charge to your account, for "unreturned equipment".

When Shaw receives the return of their equipment, that charge against your account will be reversed.

Login to the "My Shaw" portal, and "View Bills", and scroll-down to see "Transactions".

Select all transactions between January 1, 2021 and today. All "credits" and "debits" will be itemized.





0 Kudos

The same thing just happened to me. My account was cancel...


The same thing just happened to me. My account was canceled on May 1st, I received my bill in June, which stated my payment was due by July 14th. Its only June 21st and I am being contacted by debt collectors for a payment that has not even come due yet, and that I was NEVER notified was being sent to collections. This is affecting my credit and I am getting absolutely nowhere with Shaw customer service. 

Years and years of perfect credit and payment history now all screwed up by Shaw, and completely unjustified. 


this so wrong, hope you take them to court or file bbb an...


this so wrong, hope you take them to court or file bbb and crtc, that fraud and totally unjustified please take rogers aka Shaw to get your credit rating damage removed.  hope you find resolution soon
