I am wondering how to enable USBs on the hitron router as the Admin console does not give any option
Thnx for your response. I like to mention that I had recently moved to another apartment when my router got changed. In the previous location the router provided on 300Mbps package did have the USB enabled. So why Shaw opted to disable USB on "hitron" ?
I dont remember the model but the USB was used for majicjack voip and same we like to use with hitron.
With the majicjack device connected on USB, it does powee power light but does not work to bring dial tone on the phone connected to majicjack device.
If i move the majicjack to a usb on the laptop, the phone starts getting dialtone.
@AmirH the USB doesn't establish any internet connections nor have data transfer. If possible, I'd recommend looking into an ethernet to USB connector to see if that works.
> With the majicjack device connected on USB, it does ... power light but does not work to bring dial-tone on the phone.
The USB cable carries both electrical power and electronic data-transfer.
So, it is no surprise that any USB device acknowledges the receipt of electrical power, through the USB cable, i.e., to recharge your mobile device.
Greetings, Shaw gang.
So, my question is "Why?". Why have the USB ports on the back of the Hitron had the data lines disabled?
David Edey
Shaw has them disabled, but other providers may use it as a print server or for file storage.
I play good money to rent this router so all!!! features should be enabled. Shaw always tends to rip off customers this way.