Who Me Too'd this topic

Who Me Too'd this topic

Email inactive


And the support level continues to drop...

I had what looked like authentication issues accessing my Shaw email yesterday, which happens occasionally. However it was still a problem this AM, so I tried to log in via Webmail and got this error:

Problem accessing /service/preauth. Reason:

account is not active:#####@shaw.ca

Nothing in the email troubleshooting section and then I find out that I need to wait 3 hours to get any help whatsoever because it is 6 AM in Manitoba? I can't even manually reset my email via self-service?

There is a LOT of damage that can be done with a compromised email in the now 9 hours that Shaw is no longer providing ANY support between 10 PM and 7 AM PST.

I am hoping like hell it was just disabled by Shaw. If only there was some way to know - like even a message in the web portal? How hard would that be?

If you are going to have no support, you need to let your customers know what is happening. If I at least KNEW that email was disabled I would be less stressed while I wait until I can START trying to getting in touch with someone in 2 hours and 10 minutes.


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