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ARRIS XB6 Modem Issues



I am having significant issues since upgrading from Shaw 300 to Shaw 600 and replacing the older modem (hitron?) with an Arris XB6 Modem. 

I have a steady and strong download/upload speed and no breaks in regular internet service. However, on many games (League Of Legends on PC, Destiny 2 on Xbox One, and BF5 on PS4 - in case someone wonders if it's my various consoles) I am having constant microdisconnections from chat and game services when attempting to play with friends. NAT type seems irrelevant and it's only me struggling with these connections. 

I do not understand networking well enough to troubleshoot this much further than 'Connection Troubleshooting' via Shaw's website, and I have followed those steps to no avail. I have also contacted Shaw Support via Facebook messenger and have had a technician come out to myself to determine signal strength going into this modem. There are no issues with signal strength or anything as far as anyone from Shaw's end could determine, but these disconnects continue. I do not want to have to downgrade my internet speed because the new generation hardware doesn't support basic gaming chat; I feel as though online gaming is a dominant use of the internet and hope there may be some suggestions on how I can set my modem and my home networking to provide better and more consistent connections to my game servers.

Thank you.

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