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Shaw Freerange website and Google Chrome issue


Looking for help with Shaw Freerange using Google Chrome.  I have the latest updates for Google Chrome browser but can't get it to load Shaw Freerane website.  Originally had issues with Flash but have set that to allow.  Now the website start to load and the address bar briefly shows addingdevice but then once that disappears it says Now Connecting to Your Entertainment Experience but just sits there spinning it's wheels and never loading.  I have noticed that down in the bottom left hand corner of the browser it says Waiting for xtvapi.cloudtv.comcast.net and keeps flashing up.  I have check and the website is up, I have also confirmed using Opera browser and the issue is not repeated.  Only seems to happen with Chrome.

Has anyone else had this issue and know how to fix it.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I was hoping to use Chrome since it is easier to Chromecast shows.

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