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Shaw Bluecurve bridge mode and two ip addresses


Recently I changed my modem to a bluesky because they said I would be able to still have two ip addresses. Shaw keeps telling me I have two Ip Addresses but nothing I do work. They say once in bridge mode only one port on the back works. You really think it would be both so I could put both routers I own into each. That's not the case. I have tried putting a switch in ( despite thinking how does two ips go to this this way) and connected both routers to that switch. Yea that doesn't work. I have consumed 8 hours with support and nothing works. How do I know it doesn't work. When ever I am connected to either router I should not be able to make it back to the second router when I type it's ip address in a browser.  Has anyone been able to get this to work and do they know for certain it is two isolated ip addresses. AKA no routing between each of your own routers.  Thanks

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