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Continued pixellation and sound loss despite Shaw's OK on our home systems


How can we get Shaw to check its delivery system.  Several of us are having severe pixel and sound drop-outs during peak evening viewing hours.  Two of us have had service calls, had a couple of changes (Shaw splitters, amplifiers and power sources replaced) and been told that there is now nothing wrong with our systems.  Yet there has been little change in picture or sound quality during peak hours - it is still intolerably bad, often with unidentifiable screen images and staccato noise for sound.  Clearly the issue is the extent of the decline in Shaw's cable signal during peak hours, but service calls are only made during the day and Shaw seems to have no idea what is going on.  We are in southeast Vancouver and wondering how widespread this is.  Is it a system wide problem or simply a matter of replacing some distribution cable or signal amplifiers?At this point, I am about ready to switch carriers; cable, internet, phone, the whole bundle.

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