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Pausing Shaw Streaming TV Boxes Use to Work But Don't Anymore


I used to be able to disable internet to my shaw TV boxes (ARRIS AX061AE1) using the Shaw BlueCurve Home app but now it doesn't work. I select the TV device connected to the Bluecurve Gateway, select the the "Pause All Devices" button, choose "Until I Unpause" radio button and "Apply Changes". It returns with a giant green checkmark in a circle with "All Devices Paused" but the TV box is still streaming TV video and there is no double bar (||) pause icon showing for the TV device in the app. Same thing happens with the other pause options (30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours).

Has this feature been disabled or is there something wrong with my app or device? I have already tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Shaw Home app.

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