Skipping forward 30 seconds and back 15 seconds using the BlueCurve remote (pg up / pg dn) no longer works.
It cannot be restored using the sequence exit-exit-exit 0030 <Shaw>.
Especially I miss the option - Skipping back 15 seconds!
Is there any way to return in back, please?!?
@kenohrn -- if you "speak" into your BlueCurve remote, saying "skip forward 30 seconds", what happens? 🙂
Once or twice a year, this happens to me, so I hit exit exit exit 0500, back to 5 minutes, restart the box, then exit exit exit 0030 to set it back to 30 seconds.
Usually just resetting to 30 seconds will work fine, but if it is being stubborn, I use the above method. Using voice to skip will work, but it will kill your batteries. You could try skipping 3 minutes using voice if you are trying bypass commercials.
Yes you can restore the 30 second skip. Do the exit-exit-exit 0 0 3 0 ok. Now push the letter A (triangle button below last) then a Tools screen pops up and select Restart. It will take a couple minutes for the box to reset and that will now let your remote skip ahead 30 sec and back 15 sec. Simple as that…….