How can I use my universal remotes to control the Blue Curve PVR? I can't change channels or operate the DVD etc. with the remote supplied by Shaw. Since I have difficulties using multiple remotes, a universal remote is critical. I have 2 different Harmony remotes.
Also, how can two Blue Curve remotes be used to control the same TV?
@marshroger unfortunately, this is not supported. I've seen some success with the setup with the thread here. You cannot use two different BlueSky TV remotes on the same TV box as they are set up via RF.
The serial number on the back of the BlueCurve boxes is
AX061AEl, but no Manufacturer
On the Logitech site it shows support for that serial number (AX061AEl) by manufacturers: Arris, Comcast and AT&T
I tried connecting with all 3 without success. Who manufactures the Shaw boxes?
Did you check the link from Tony above? Not knowing which Harmony remote you have, you could try searching for “Xfinity DVR”.
Thanks for the input. I have concluded that there is no way to use two Shaw BlueCurve remotes with the BlueCurve system.
I spent an hour on the phone with Shaw tech they could not give any code that would work for any universal remote. It’s just lousy service and poor customer relations. My remote worked fine with my previous box, I could access DVD and all my streaming service. This remote won’t even pair with my Bose system. Shaw just buy the cheapest box with the least amount of options, then charge what they want for it.
You can program an IR (infrared) type universal remote to control your Shaw Bluecurve. Even though the Shaw Bluecurve remote uses RF ( radio transmission) to communicate with the Bluecurve TV boxes they also apparently receive IR signals. I have 2 Logitech Harmony remotes ( a 650 and a 950) and they both work with the newer Bluecurve TV boxes (Xi6-A or model# AX061AEI). You do not need the Harmony hub. Simply log into the Logitech Harmony software, select your remote and "add device", Manufacturer is Arris and in my case the model# was AX061AEI. Follow the steps to add the device to "Watch TV" and sync the new settings to your remote. I can confirm that both remotes work perfectly, I can enter the guide, change channels, navigate thru menus, record, pause and rewind live TV etc. Obviously some functions like voice control still need the original Shaw remote but most other functions work normally.
For the 4K wireless Shaw TV boxes that they brand as the Xi6 - I used Arris AX061AEI for my 3 Harmony remotes (1100, One, Ultimate One) and all programmed ok.
I have a similar scenario. I have synced the remote and it controls the Bluecurve box fine when it is directly pointed at it, but when I try and use it over an IR extender recover and transmitter, the remote doesn’t work. Any suggestions?
Use xfinity x1 for the coding. Problem is, if you have the Shaw remote set up for voice control, the ir sensor on the box is disabled. Unless your harmony has rf, it won't work anymore