hunt to not authorized.


A few day ago hunt appeared. Guide and picture was fine. Did a power cycle as that was a suggestion. It messed it up. The guide was blank, pvr function was gone and even the clock was stopped at 12. Chatted with support and they determined the box was shot. They set up to send a replacement. Well a few hours later watching the TV, with hunt and no guide. The hunt disappeared and the guide and everything came back. Went to bed thinking it was good. Woke up the guide is fully loaded but all the channels are not authorized.

Wonder if they deactivate the box when the sent the new on? Wonder if dusted off the inside of it when trying in another room fix it. Try calling support later.

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2 Replies

I wouldn’t think they would take the box off your account...

Grand Master

I wouldn’t think they would take the box off your account until a replacement was available. The HUNT code usually means that the box is getting a poor signal, check all your cable connections to make sure everything is secure.

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> Wonder if they deactivate the box when the sent the new...

Legendary Grand Master

> Wonder if they deactivate the box when the sent the new on? 

Shaw should not do this, because some friends have multiple (non-BlueCurve) PVRs, in different rooms, i.e., customers are not restricted to just ONE PVR per account.

P.S. When checking coaxial-cables, also consider any coaxial-splitters that may be bad.  Experiment: temporarily bypass any splitter between the wall-port and your PVR, to see if this change improves anything.

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