Petition for KSTW to be added to Limited TV (Lower Mainland/Island BC)


KSTW Seattle was previously added on basic cable services in the area. About a decade ago, the channel was migrated to a theme pack.

This channel should be accessible on Limited TV as KOMO, KING, KIRO, KCPQ, KCTS and KVOS are already available on Limited TV in the market of the lower mainland and the island.

Please sign the petition on this forum if you would like Rogers/Shaw to add KSTW to Limited TV because it is a local station as the others noted above.

15 Replies

My dad has MeTV on his limited tv package, but not the US...

Grand Master

@michaelstein My dad has MeTV on his limited tv package, but not the US channels. Rogers is under no obligation to carry any channels that aren’t mandated by the government.

0 Kudos

Sure. KSTW has been carried on "basic" cable here since t...


Sure. KSTW has been carried on "basic" cable here since the 1960s. At one time in the 1990s (1995-1997) it was a CBS affiliate infact.

What has changed?

It's a channel that has always been included in "basic" along with KVOS and others mentioned above, again since the 1960s (cable inception in our area)



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It is actually KVOS that is the MeTV affiliate.

Grand Master

@michaelstein  It is actually KVOS that is the MeTV affiliate. 

0 Kudos

Hi  , What has changed?  A lot!!  Basic cable (limited tv...


Hi @michaelstein , What has changed?  A lot!!  Basic cable (limited tv) a couple of years ago was changed to no longer include any american channels, even those considered semi-local.  Only those people who still have Grandfathered limited tv  from when those american channels were included can access those channnels, anyone in the last couple of years who signed up for limited tv Do Not get the american channels included.  When the gov't introduced the $25.00 basic cable package that the telecoms were ordered to provide to the consumer it only includes a small selection of truly local canadian tv, anything above that was left up to the cable company's to include or not, Shaw for example did offer the semi-local american stations (not including KSTW) as a Bonus gift with absolutely no obligation to do so.  But alas a couple of years ago Shaw decided to remove those extra channels that they were giving as a free bonus, and just left the mandated channels.  It sucks but hope that explains a little on what has happened.  So I think adding KSTW to basic cable is not going to be happening.   

0 Kudos

This is a petition thread. I don't believe what I am read...


This is a petition thread. I don't believe what I am reading here.

"So I think adding KSTW to basic cable is not going to be happening"

My esteemed colleague here does not want you to have YOUR KSTW on YOUR limited TV package and is opposed to it?

Sign the petition and make limited TV GREAT AGAIN!


0 Kudos

Here is the petetion link !!   Thanks everyone for your c...


Here is the petetion link !!


Thanks everyone for your continued support


This is landmark event to be heard


, excuse me, don't be putting words in my mouth that have...


@michaelstein , excuse me, don't be putting words in my mouth that have not been spoken!  You clearly asked on your previous post What has changed? ,  I simply responded to your question from that post.  I have absolutely no issue with you having a petition to gain support for your desire for KSTW. More power to you!  All I meant was that if they were to add KSTW to the limited tv package, then they would expected to add back KING, KIRO, KCPQ, KOMO, PBS to the limited tv package, which have been removed a couple of years ago.  Only people who had those channels previously when they were still offered on limited tv (basic cable) they were grandfathered in and as long as they did not make any changes to their tv package they could keep getting access to those mentioned channels.  I personally would love to have KSTW added to my lineup on basic cable, I'm just not holding my breath.  Good luck and I hope many people sign your petition, don't get mad at me for trying to answer your question.   

0 Kudos

, please disregard my first sentence of the previous post...


@michaelstein , please disregard my first sentence of the previous post about putting words in my mouth. I stand corrected I did write the statement you were quoting about "I don't think it would be happening", sorry bout that, but I stand by the rest of my statement in response to your earlier question. Please repost your petition link so it stays on top again after my responses.  Good luck. 

0 Kudos

Shaw's new $35 Starter TV does have (here in Vancouver) t...


Shaw's new $35 Starter TV does have (here in Vancouver) the Seattle network tv stations but not KSTW as far as I should include KSTW I believe.

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