Shaw Blue Curve TV no volume and freezing pictures


As a loyal and long standing shaw customer I deeply regret upgrading to shaw bluE curve tv. We have had nothing but problems with the sound cutting out and the picture freezing and glitching. It is happening on all 3 tvs in our home. We used chat support to trouble shoot but nothing seems out of the ordinary with regards to connectivity or signal strength. It is so bad on my daughters tv That her volume only works for 1-2 minutes at a time before cutting out. In order to get it to work again we have to either change the channel back and forth or turn off/on the tv. Why is this happening? I have read a lot of posts about this and many reviews online about this system. 

how can I fix this? I am trapped in a contract with shaw otherwise I would look at switching to another provider. My other daughter who lives in a different home (same neighborhood) has this same problem too. 

it is beyond unacceptable that a service we are paying almost $200 a month for isn’t working and when we call for help we get no answers or resolutions. We just get the run around and quite frankly I am fed up

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23 Replies

I'm sorry to hear of the troubles you and your family hav...


@Larrycdyck I'm sorry to hear of the troubles you and your family have been experiencing. Quickly checking your account, I see the signal is a bit out of spec which may be continuing to cause issues. I recommend touching base with technical support to book a service technician over to review your connections if you are still noticing issues.

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Any luck getting this resolved as I'm having the exact sa...


Any luck getting this resolved as I'm having the exact same issue since "upgrading: to Bluecurve Gateway?

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--  recommended that you contact Shaw, and book a service...

Legendary Grand Master

@CptClarkdale103 -- @shaw-tony recommended that you contact Shaw, and book a service technician, to check your signal-strength.

Have you done so? Did the technician improve your service?

Also, check that the coaxial-cable is tightly-connected to the wall-socket and to your cable-modem.  Try a different cable.

While you are connected (online chat or telephone) to Shaw, ask them to remotely logon to your BlueCurve, and view the "signal strength" reaching it.



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We should have read all reviews before changing over.  I'...


We should have read all reviews before changing over.  I'm having the exact same issue since "upgrading: to Bluecurve Gateway”.  TV pixels picture or cuts out, sound cuts out.  We’ve changed the TV player twice now and there’s a clear path between the wifi box and the TV player. Very disappointed ☹️


Blue Curve system and the support you get from Shaw is te...


Blue Curve system and the support you get from Shaw is terrible. Do not purchase you will be very disappointed. 


I am also having ongoing issues with Shaw Blue curve as a...


I am also having ongoing issues with Shaw Blue curve as are alot of my friends and family. I have replaced modems, boxes, had techs out to my home and dealt with tech support via chat .... any fixes have been temporary ... I don't understand why they have to continually refresh the modem as they say ... that is ridiculous ... the longest I have gone without interference is two weeks since I installed Shaw Blue curve back in June. I pay my bill always on time yet I dont have the quality service I am paying for ... If there is a problem, which obviously there is but they dont want to admit it , FIX IT , that is all people want. You have a good service and program content .... when it works !!! .... Shaw , step up to the plate and fix your problems.


-- step up to the plate and fix your problems Given that...

Legendary Grand Master

@wiseoldman -- step up to the plate and fix your problems

Given that you already have replaced the BlueCurve, let's assume that the new one is OK.

Check that the coaxial-cable is tightly-connected to the BlueCurve. Or, try a different cable.

If you have a coaxial-splitter between your BlueCurve and the wall-port (one port to your BlueCurve, and one port to a Shaw Phone terminal or Shaw cable-modem), temporarily bypass that splitter, and connect the BlueCurve directly to the wall-port.

Check that the coaxial-cable is tightly-connected to the wall-port. Try a different cable.

Ask your neighbours on your street who also subscribe to Shaw to see if they are also experiencing the symptoms. Giving this information to Shaw can help Shaw's trouible-shooting.

Contact Shaw Support. They can remotely logon to your BlueCurve, to check the incoming signal-strength to it. Poor signal-strength will cause your symptoms. They can also schedule a technician to come to the Shaw "demarcation box" on the outside of your home, to unlock it, and to replace the coaxial-splitter that is inside the box. They can also cut-off the connectors on the coaxial-cable, and install new connectors. They can also measure the signal-strength from their box to the nearest telephone-pole.


-- I don't understand why they have to continually refres...

Legendary Grand Master

@wiseoldman -- I don't understand why they have to continually refresh the modem as they say 


The Shaw Agents have been trained to make that recommendation, either when it is appropriate, or when they think that it may help. These Shaw employees could be "first-level" employees, not long-term employees with a post-secondary degree in Electrical Engineering.  But, they are trained to "escalate" to "second-level" senior Shaw employees, when they encounter an issue that goes beyond their training.


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do you work for Shaw or something? Are you a technician?


@mdk  do you work for Shaw or something? Are you a technician? 

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