The recent Gateway Portable update is terrible

Not applicable

Why would you think it was a good idea to remove the color coding from the channel guide. Now instead of quickly moving between movies, sports, kids shows etc by color code, you have to recognize movies for instance, from regular shows by name only - again, bad idea

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30 Replies

Re: The recent Gateway Portable update is terrible


Hey bahackwood,

We appreciate the feedback and apologize for the troubles this update has caused. We don't have an ETA for when the colours will be updated to be more obvious but it is something that is on the radar as we have received similar feedback from other users regarding this change. At this point, the only thing we know is that it will be addressed in a future update, but hopefully, that won't be too far out.


Thank you for your patience,

Tony | Community Mod.


Re: The recent Gateway Portable update is terrible


I too am very disappointed in the new guide and would like to see the colours returned.

I have a feeling though that there may be an equal number of people that didn't even know the colours meant something and may very much like the new monotone.  Perhaps it would please the customer base if either colours or no colours could both be displayed based on and option that could be changed by the customer?  It would be nice to see happy customers.


Re: The recent Gateway Portable update is terrible



We appreciate the feedback and apologize for the troubles this update has caused. We don't have an ETA for when the colours will be updated to be more obvious but it is something that is on the radar as we have received similar feedback from other users regarding this change. At this point, the only thing we know is that it will be addressed in a future update, but hopefully, that won't be too far out.


Thank you for your patience,

Tony | Community Mod.


So - what happened to the "UNDO" button?

This is yet another ill conceived and not thought-through upgrade. Give users the choice if you must.

Make it obvious, as mentioned above re. colours / bars... like has been for years), not everyone has perfect vision, not everyone is 10-20 yrs old, lot's of your customers have vision (and other) impairments to some degree.


Why change? Was it requested by your customers? Or was it an "Internal Request for change and modernization".

Nothing worse in life than change for change sake. If it ain't broke...


Yes, change should occur. Most call it "Evolution". But has Shaw ever heard of "Product testing" - "Quality Assurance" - "Focus Groups" (using a cross section of your actual subscribers / customers, not some 10 employees aged 20-25).


I know how all too well how Shaw works, and unfortunately, more often than not, the left doesn't know what the right is doing...

Customer Service / Help Desk doesn't know what the others have in store for us (Your Paying Customers, who are ever more being alienated and driven somewhere else). And then, the poor CS souls are left to deal with.


So, we, your customers can continue to pay our monthly fees, yet can no longer even navigate the basics as we can't read it.



How about fixing things that many have actually asked for?  i.e.- the ability to "scroll through"  up/down & left/right on the search screen? Makes it a whole lot easier, reduces the amount of button pushes, which then lengthens the life of the remote. Ohh, that would cut into Corporate profits, I presume...


Re: The recent Gateway Portable update is terrible


The new upgrade is useless!  If you have a smaller TV you can’t see the colour guide at all.

Do not like the black background!

Anyway to bring the old one back?


Re: The recent Gateway Portable update is terrible


I'd like to add my voice to the previous two replies. In the previous version of the interface I could immediately navigate to the type of programming I was interested in whereas under the new version of the interface everything is a whiteout, although everything is black (no pun intended). Please consider an option under Settings where a customer could select or deselect the colour code.


Re: The recent Gateway Portable update is terrible


I concur that the latest GW UI changes are poor.

1. No way to change colour scheme.

2. Guide content vertical colour bars are almost impossible to distinguish.

3. Monochromatic white menu icons are less intuitive.

4. White font on black guide and menu items is too high contrast.

Finally, for the many years of GW releases, there was a way to access GW and Portal diagnostics which was very useful for those of us that felt it convenient to self help. I often used it to reboot portals and/or GW to fix issues. Also, used it to force syncing of resources when I noticed guide issues. This access has been removed, forcing me to spend long waits for customer support.  Sigh....

This release rollout is not what I am sure even Shaw thinks as a good one.

Sadly, there does seem to be a way to rollback to previous release until another one that is better is available.


long shaw GW user dating back to its first introduction.


Re: The recent Gateway Portable update is terrible

Not applicable

I tried the Gateway and Portal diagnostics in the new version and it worked as it used to. Perhaps you weren’t using the correct key sequence to access the diagnostics screens?  Its quite obscure.

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Re: The recent Gateway Portable update is terrible

Not applicable

(1) We vote for the colour-coding of guide content to be restored ... or the very least to have the new, colour-coded, NARROW bars made MUCH wider. For example, currently it’s not easy to identify movies in the guide.

(2) i wonder if changes such as we see have been run past a ‘user group’ for comment before they’re inflicted on a long-suffering client base? It’s hard to believe that these narrow colour bars would have been approved by people who would actually use the system!

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Re: The recent Gateway Portable update is terrible


1.  No background colour to tell which is a movie

2.  After pushing menu, I now have to push "ok" to see the vertical list of movies, programs, pvr's, etc.

3.  The colour combination causes for difficulty reading the screen now.

4.  There was nothing wrong with the old interface (Except that "blink on/off 3 times" while I'm trying to read the description of a TV show.

Why did Shaw administration do these upgrades when they aren't even customers?  They should have let a small number of customers sample and give their opinion of what they liked/disliked before passing it on to us.

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