To keep your Shaw accounts secure, it’s important to choose a password that is hard for someone to guess, but simple enough for you to remember. Here's some advice about choosing a good password.

What makes a good password?

Passwords must meet Shaw’s minimum security requirements. A security rating of “Okay” will result in your password being accepted. A security rating of "Too Weak" will result in your password being rejected.

The best passwords are complex, random, contain several words, and include numbers, upper case characters, lower case characters, and symbols. To build a secure password:

  1. String together a few random words.
  2. Add capital letters.
  3. Add numbers and symbols.

If your password isn’t complex enough, it will be rejected and you’ll have to choose a new one. For your security, you can’t reuse previous Shaw ID passwords.

How to manage your password

The longer you have the same password, the longer someone has to figure out what your password is. With that in mind, here are some ways you can keep your passwords secure.

  • Change your password often.
  • Don’t reuse old passwords.
  • Choose the strongest password you can remember.
  • Use as much complexity as possible.
  • Don’t use the same password across multiple accounts.
  • Never write your password down.
  • Don’t share your password with anyone.
  • Don’t trust unencrypted connections.
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