Since about Christmas 2019 I have not been able to send messages from macOS Mail but can receive messages. Shaw Webmail works normally. I can send to myself and receive it using Shaw Webmail and can receive the same message using macOS Mail. I just cannot send or reply to messages from macOS Mail. I have followed Shaw published instructions regarding server settings for macOS Mail without success. When I view properties in macOS Mail the correct settings for incoming and outgoing server settings are as published. However I keep getting the message that the server port 995 timed out. It cannot verify my Shaw ID or password although they are the same as those used for Shaw Webmail.
What are the settings used by Webmail?
I have read all this documentation. Connection doctor says I cannot connect to the POP server. Are the two server passwords required for the server definitions in macOS Mail the name as that used for signing to Webmail? Have been informed that system cannot verify my ShawID / password.
@Twilk -- the name as that used for signing to Webmail?
It should be. Try to enter your ID, without entering the "" suffix, to see if that makes a difference.
Webmail works with or without the "" suffix. Mail does not require an email address to signin. That info is all defined in the Mail drop down Account definition and Preferences. is the "POP" account. "" is the incoming server.
Mail says the server times out when trying to send or when trying to update Mail Prefences.
I am soooooooo frustrated. Nothing I try seems to work.
Failed again. I made the changes listed for IMAP in your document "How to set up email in Apple macOS ail".
When saving the changes a window displaying "Verifying Server Settings" for a full 11 minutes before displaying "Unable to verify username or password", even though they are the same ones successfully used by Webmail.
@Twilk following the steps @mdk linked are the correct settings. It may be possible your password is not strong enough for this to work. I'd recommend updating your password to something very strong via your MyShaw and then trying again.